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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

21/09/24 03:46:10

Events - Week 11

International Tournament (Wuhan)

Single Senior > 12


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 24/11/22 21:00 Fanfan Mbappé  51 /
2 2 24/11/22 21:00 Amadeus Mozart  126 Sheriff  164 11/8 11/6 11/13 9/11 10/12
3 3 24/11/22 21:00 Fanfan Florenzi  57 /
4 4 24/11/22 21:00 Cro Cop  52 /
5 5 24/11/22 21:00 Laurente Pingena  91 /
6 6 24/11/22 21:00 Nina Schlager  107 Nostradamus  53 5/11 4/11 5/11
7 7 24/11/22 21:00 Enzo Angles  62 Altman Altaw  216 11/7 11/6 11/5
8 8 24/11/22 21:00 Glen ANGELUS  31 /
9 9 24/11/22 21:00 Jolan Bricata Folia  1 /
10 10 24/11/22 21:00 Maxime Junior  94 TESLA  74 4/11 6/11 13/11 5/11
11 11 24/11/22 21:00 Nina Junior  82 Stephano El Quitero  106 11/3 11/5 11/2
12 12 24/11/22 21:00 Kebastian Offner  97 /
13 1 24/11/22 21:10 Elias Nilsen  138 /
14 2 24/11/22 21:10 Lois Little  62 /
15 3 24/11/22 21:10 Lady Coca-cola  229 Panagiotis Gionis  143 6/11 9/11 7/11
16 4 24/11/22 21:10 Diego Rusci Folia  17 /
17 5 24/11/22 21:10 Knockando  121 /
18 6 24/11/22 21:10 Little Francis  123 Tupac Amaru  83 11/8 11/5 6/11 13/15 11/9
19 7 24/11/22 21:10 Gomez Superbarrio  152 /
20 8 24/11/22 21:10 Joaquin Junior  111 /
21 9 24/11/22 21:10 PIXA  39 /
22 10 24/11/22 21:10 Omega Pro  6 Vatanen Ari  64 4/11 8/11 3/11
23 11 24/11/22 21:10 Glen FUKUSSON  84 Lluis Antor  174 11/7 11/2 11/7
24 12 24/11/22 21:10 Hari Seldon  10 /
25 1 24/11/22 21:20 Lev Kolya  20 /
26 2 24/11/22 21:20 Naline Adré  5 Martine Laturbine  86 11/6 11/5 11/5
27 3 24/11/22 21:20 Ludwig Beethoven  142 Alexey Smirnov  82 11/2 11/1 11/0
28 4 24/11/22 21:20 Angel Junior  49 /
29 5 24/11/22 21:20 James Bond  72 /
30 6 24/11/22 21:20 Bojan Totovic   70 /
31 7 24/11/22 21:20 Para bellum  148 Jamie Little  45 4/11 7/11 8/11
32 8 24/11/22 21:20 SENSUS  33 /
33 9 24/11/22 21:20 Fanfan Neymar Jr  32 /
34 10 24/11/22 21:20 Para Podzianowski  67 Glen Marvin MARCELUS  116 5/11 11/4 8/11 3/11
35 11 24/11/22 21:20 Karl Popper  44 /
36 12 24/11/22 21:20 Adam Kenton  146 /
37 1 24/11/22 21:30 Koba  74 /
38 2 24/11/22 21:30 Barry Allen  38 Glen KAPELLSON  88 9/11 11/8 10/12 6/11
39 3 24/11/22 21:30 Vatanen Eikki  47 Glen MAKI-TORI  35 5/11 11/8 5/11 8/11
40 4 24/11/22 21:30 Glen SHAGGESSEN  59 /
41 5 24/11/22 21:30 Kaizer  69 /
42 6 24/11/22 21:30 Lucie P  66 Mariano Diaz  86 11/8 11/6 11/9
43 7 24/11/22 21:30 Michel Angelo  137 Blade Loki  105 11/4 11/4 11/4
44 8 24/11/22 21:30 Kei Tagawa  104 /
45 9 24/11/22 21:30 Sherlock Holmes  70 /
46 10 24/11/22 21:30 De Cujus  2 /
47 11 24/11/22 21:30 Marija Jelic  138 Phéro Mone  21 6/11 3/11 4/11
48 12 24/11/22 21:30 NEXXUS  62 /
49 1 24/11/22 21:40 Glen GUINNESSEN  60 /
50 2 24/11/22 21:40 Lea Primera  92 Junior Diaz  70 12/10 11/9 9/11 10/12 11/5
51 3 24/11/22 21:40 Billy Jine  79 /
52 4 24/11/22 21:40 Hal Little  57 /
53 5 24/11/22 21:40 PESARO  46 /
54 6 24/11/22 21:40 Keera Kaloga  128 Para Gadol  34 6/11 4/11 6/11
55 7 24/11/22 21:40 ernesto che guevara  195 Dona Tello  151 6/11 8/11 7/11
56 8 24/11/22 21:40 Virus Corona  60 /
57 9 24/11/22 21:40 Fanfan Di María  28 /
58 10 24/11/22 21:40 Oliver Queen  42 RG SPORT  81 11/9 11/13 11/8 11/5
59 11 24/11/22 21:40 Maknovtchina  153 Pix  49 11/8 8/11 4/11 9/11
60 12 24/11/22 21:40 Pixi  22 /
61 1 24/11/22 21:50 Maxime P  62 /
62 2 24/11/22 21:50 Dewey Little  93 /
63 3 24/11/22 21:50 Soledad Rosas  169 Mira Malevic  111 11/1 11/4 14/12
64 4 24/11/22 21:50 The Last Emperor  4 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 25/11/22 11:20 Fanfan Mbappé  51 Sheriff  164 11/0 11/4 11/3
2 2 25/11/22 11:20 Fanfan Florenzi  57 Cro Cop  52 6/11 13/11 14/12 12/10
3 3 25/11/22 11:20 Laurente Pingena  91 Nostradamus  53 10/12 12/10 11/7 16/14
4 4 25/11/22 11:20 Enzo Angles  62 Glen ANGELUS  31 4/11 5/11 11/9 11/8 3/11
5 5 25/11/22 11:20 Jolan Bricata Folia  1 TESLA  74 8/11 11/8 11/6 11/4
6 6 25/11/22 11:20 Nina Junior  82 Kebastian Offner  97 11/9 11/6 7/11 6/11 11/9
7 7 25/11/22 11:20 Elias Nilsen  138 Lois Little  62 11/7 8/11 11/8 8/11 6/11
8 8 25/11/22 11:20 Panagiotis Gionis  143 Diego Rusci Folia  17 8/11 6/11 7/11
9 9 25/11/22 11:20 Knockando  121 Little Francis  123 11/5 11/3 11/5
10 10 25/11/22 11:20 Gomez Superbarrio  152 Joaquin Junior  111 11/6 11/6 11/8
11 11 25/11/22 11:20 PIXA  39 Vatanen Ari  64 11/3 11/1 11/0
12 12 25/11/22 11:20 Glen FUKUSSON  84 Hari Seldon  10 9/11 7/11 8/11
13 1 25/11/22 11:30 Lev Kolya  20 Naline Adré  5 11/5 11/3 11/7
14 2 25/11/22 11:30 Ludwig Beethoven  142 Angel Junior  49 6/11 7/11 5/11
15 3 25/11/22 11:30 James Bond  72 Bojan Totovic   70 11/5 11/9 11/7
16 4 25/11/22 11:30 Jamie Little  45 SENSUS  33 7/11 11/8 6/11 7/11
17 5 25/11/22 11:30 Fanfan Neymar Jr  32 Glen Marvin MARCELUS  116 11/1 11/6 11/1
18 6 25/11/22 11:30 Karl Popper  44 Adam Kenton  146 10/12 6/11 14/16
19 7 25/11/22 11:30 Koba  74 Glen KAPELLSON  88 11/4 11/6 11/8
20 8 25/11/22 11:30 Glen MAKI-TORI  35 Glen SHAGGESSEN  59 9/11 11/6 6/11 11/5 5/11
21 9 25/11/22 11:30 Kaizer  69 Lucie P  66 11/4 5/11 11/5 15/13
22 10 25/11/22 11:30 Michel Angelo  137 Kei Tagawa  104 8/11 7/11 11/6 2/11
23 11 25/11/22 11:30 Sherlock Holmes  70 De Cujus  2 11/7 6/11 11/2 11/3
24 12 25/11/22 11:30 Phéro Mone  21 NEXXUS  62 13/11 7/11 15/13 5/11 5/11
25 1 25/11/22 11:40 Glen GUINNESSEN  60 Lea Primera  92 11/3 11/1 11/5
26 2 25/11/22 11:40 Billy Jine  79 Hal Little  57 5/11 8/11 3/11
27 3 25/11/22 11:40 PESARO  46 Para Gadol  34 13/11 11/6 5/11 7/11 1/11
28 4 25/11/22 11:40 Dona Tello  151 Virus Corona  60 12/14 9/11 6/11
29 5 25/11/22 11:40 Fanfan Di María  28 Oliver Queen  42 14/12 11/7 11/3
30 6 25/11/22 11:40 Pix  49 Pixi  22 9/11 6/11 13/11 11/9 4/11
31 7 25/11/22 11:40 Maxime P  62 Dewey Little  93 7/11 7/11 11/6 11/7 11/8
32 8 25/11/22 11:40 Soledad Rosas  169 The Last Emperor  4 6/11 6/11 8/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 27/11/22 14:40 Knockando  121 The Last Emperor  4 14/12 12/10 11/9
1 Bricata Folia Jolan
2 Cujus De
3 Né Mort
4 Emperor The Last
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
2 Eikki Vatanen
3 Dopamine
4 Somatotrophine
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Van CLEEF Glen
2 Kenobi Glen
3 S A 45
4 JOW Noa
5 S GT 63
Complete ranking
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Fantastique Le
4 Adame Luis David
5 Byrne Kenan
Complete ranking
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