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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

05/02/25 09:40:13

Events - Week 12

Open Tournament (Antibes)

Single Senior > 120


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 12/08/22 10:20 Wonderwoman  196 /
2 2 12/08/22 10:20 Frey Galli  117 Iroquois  140 5/11 7/11 11/8 11/5 11/5
3 3 12/08/22 10:20 Alonzy Alonso  178 Sandy Niste  267 8/11 11/5 11/6 11/5
4 4 12/08/22 10:20 Rodéo Rex  133 /
5 5 12/08/22 10:20 Lucie P  66 /
6 6 12/08/22 10:20 Andres Roca Rey  120 Tomorrow Freedom  222 7/11 2/11 7/11
7 7 12/08/22 10:20 Adam Kenton  146 Mort Né  12 13/11 11/5 6/11 8/11 9/11
8 8 12/08/22 10:20 rchist Anna  215 /
9 9 12/08/22 10:20 Maxime P  62 /
10 10 12/08/22 10:20 Nicola Sacco  246 Nataan Tiito  180 3/11 12/10 8/11 13/11 11/7
11 11 12/08/22 10:20 Naline Adré  21 Stephanov Popov  43 11/9 11/5 11/7
12 12 12/08/22 10:20 defman Altaw  211 /
13 13 12/08/22 10:20 Omega Pro  19 /
14 14 12/08/22 10:20 Caryl Chessman  185 Phéro Mone  17 1/11 10/12 6/11
15 15 12/08/22 10:20 Glen MAKI-TORI  35 Harkness Jack  200 11/3 11/8 12/10
16 16 12/08/22 10:20 Michel Angelo  137 /
17 1 12/08/22 10:30 Supergirl  225 /
18 2 12/08/22 10:30 De Cujus  11 Mister George  197 5/11 11/6 12/10 7/11 5/11
19 3 12/08/22 10:30 Lady Coca-cola  229 Nadir Marcus  135 11/3 11/2 11/3
20 4 12/08/22 10:30 Oliver Queen  48 /
21 5 12/08/22 10:30 Para Sokolnicki  88 /
22 6 12/08/22 10:30 Jaroslav Krtec  224 Bourbon Kid  166 3/11 8/11 5/11
23 7 12/08/22 10:30 Sadio   199 Diego Mesa  150 11/4 11/7 11/3
24 8 12/08/22 10:30 Para Gadol  29 /
25 9 12/08/22 10:30 Thomas Bishop  144 /
26 10 12/08/22 10:30 Dona Tello  151 Harold Saxon  206 11/7 11/8 11/3
27 11 12/08/22 10:30 Panagiotis Gionis  143 Jessica Jones  187 14/12 11/9 7/11 11/9
28 12 12/08/22 10:30 Barry Allen  33 /
29 13 12/08/22 10:30 Glen ANGELUS  30 /
30 14 12/08/22 10:30 Louise Michel  250 Jolan Arti  142 11/2 11/9 11/5
31 15 12/08/22 10:30 Yitzhak Arafat  256 Arrow Junior  200 9/11 7/11 8/11
32 16 12/08/22 10:30 Little Reese  144 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 14/08/22 14:20 Lucie P  66 Thomas Bishop  144 11/6 12/10 12/10
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Emperor The Last
5 Lebrun Alexis
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Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
4 Dopamine
5 Serotonine
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Under 21
1 JOW Ian
2 JOW Oan
3 TR Zouze
4 TR Florent
5 TR Mathys
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1 Scott Travis
2 Speed Ishow
3 JOW Ban
4 Cee Central
5 Colombo Jesus Enrique
Complete ranking
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