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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

22/12/24 06:45:00

Events - Week 11

International Tournament (Wuhan)

Single Senior > 12


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 08/01/21 00:50 Mathias Olsen  147 /
2 2 08/01/21 00:50 Rosa ARBUCKLE  112 Salome Rohic  180 11/5 11/7 8/11 11/4
3 3 08/01/21 00:50 Lali Gonzalez  101 /
4 4 08/01/21 00:50 Anatole ANASTATØPOULÓS  330 /
5 5 08/01/21 00:50 Maximus  31 /
6 6 08/01/21 00:50 Prolactine  142 Juniôr BIGTOP  74 11/7 12/10 11/2
7 7 08/01/21 00:50 Ho Kwan Kit  148 Blade Loki  102 3/11 9/11 8/11
8 8 08/01/21 00:50 Noradrenaline  74 /
9 9 08/01/21 00:50 Bojan Totovic   70 /
10 10 08/01/21 00:50 Blokeur Jr Petit  80 Joaquin Junior  111 7/11 9/11 7/11
11 11 08/01/21 00:50 Glen FUKUSSON  84 Si-Seup Kim  174 11/8 11/5 11/6
12 12 08/01/21 00:50 Tupac Amaru  83 /
13 1 08/01/21 01:00 Zeplinski  66 /
14 2 08/01/21 01:00 Billy Jine  79 /
15 3 08/01/21 01:00 Monolix   69 Clyde Keass  70 11/7 11/4 9/11 10/12 12/10
16 4 08/01/21 01:00 Matheo Leopold  46 /
17 5 08/01/21 01:00 Vatanen Eikki  52 /
18 6 08/01/21 01:00 Martin Leopold  73 Lea Primera  92 6/11 8/11 9/11
19 7 08/01/21 01:00 Solo Keass  338 /
20 8 08/01/21 01:00 Glen MORANGIE  80 /
21 9 08/01/21 01:00 Fuku Shima  86 /
22 10 08/01/21 01:00 Philippe Sers  79 Wendy Keass  319 12/10 8/11 4/11 9/11
23 11 08/01/21 01:00 RG SPORT  81 Bernhard Gunter  85 11/7 11/5 5/11 11/6
24 12 08/01/21 01:00 Nakk FADA  8 /
25 1 08/01/21 01:10 ernesto che guevara  195 /
26 2 08/01/21 01:10 Zing WANG CHENG  92 Sigmund Freud  113 7/11 11/9 11/8 8/11 11/8
27 3 08/01/21 01:10 Angel Junior  49 Tuff Gong  146 6/11 11/5 12/10 11/8
28 4 08/01/21 01:10 Liu Dingshuo  155 /
29 5 08/01/21 01:10 Glen KAPELLSON  88 /
30 6 08/01/21 01:10 Kebastian Offner  97 /
31 7 08/01/21 01:10 Alfred Boumi  94 Jarik Totov   146 9/11 6/11 11/13
32 8 08/01/21 01:10 Serotonine  70 /
33 9 08/01/21 01:10 Ricochet Leopold  18 /
34 10 08/01/21 01:10 Jorge Orozco  72 Lucia Stephanos  77 8/11 14/16 5/11
35 11 08/01/21 01:10 Little Francis  123 /
36 12 08/01/21 01:10 Antonio José Bolívar  242 /
37 1 08/01/21 01:20 Liu Wong  81 /
38 2 08/01/21 01:20 Ilija Majstorovic  142 Julien Buisson  68 11/7 11/4 13/11
39 3 08/01/21 01:20 El Jefe  50 Achille  123 6/11 11/6 11/5 11/8
40 4 08/01/21 01:20 Thiago Monteiro  200 /
41 5 08/01/21 01:20 Somatotrophine  67 /
42 6 08/01/21 01:20 Sarr Bacane  350 Kevin O' First  77 11/4 11/4 8/11 11/0
43 7 08/01/21 01:20 Nina Junior  82 Luqman Du-l-Qarnayn  131 11/9 11/5 7/11 11/2
44 8 08/01/21 01:20 Craig Keass  336 /
45 9 08/01/21 01:20 Stephan O' First  92 /
46 10 08/01/21 01:20 King's Kavalan  8 /
47 11 08/01/21 01:20 Jakub Totov  170 Abdelkhafir  70 11/5 11/1 11/4
48 12 08/01/21 01:20 Servietsky  329 /
49 1 08/01/21 01:30 Hamé KOMA  10 /
50 2 08/01/21 01:30 Cartman Keass  318 Sheila Broflovski  327 10/12 4/11 2/11
51 3 08/01/21 01:30 Chef Keass  341 /
52 4 08/01/21 01:30 Dopamine  61 /
53 5 08/01/21 01:30 N'Golo  39 /
54 6 08/01/21 01:30 Hanale Rohic  198 Elias Nilsen  138 12/10 5/11 7/11 8/11
55 7 08/01/21 01:30 Franck Eisenmann  69 Mou Fasa  133 11/9 12/10 11/1
56 8 08/01/21 01:30 Dewey Little  93 /
57 9 08/01/21 01:30 Tony TOXYK  36 /
58 10 08/01/21 01:30 Jay Lee Pienaar  144 SENSUS  36 11/9 8/11 6/11 7/11
59 11 08/01/21 01:30 Tristan Valette  71 Maxime Junior  94 11/8 11/6 4/11 11/9
60 12 08/01/21 01:30 benito canales  166 /
61 1 08/01/21 01:40 Zéphyr ZOGRAPHOS  331 /
62 2 08/01/21 01:40 Droplex  67 /
63 3 08/01/21 01:40 Juliette Sensar  105 Enzo Angles  62 11/4 13/11 11/6
64 4 08/01/21 01:40 Hugo Calderano  199 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 08/01/21 12:00 Mathias Olsen  147 Rosa ARBUCKLE  112 11/9 6/11 11/8 10/12 11/6
2 2 08/01/21 12:00 Lali Gonzalez  101 Anatole ANASTATØPOULÓS  330 11/7 11/13 11/9 11/9
3 3 08/01/21 12:00 Maximus  31 Prolactine  142 11/4 11/8 11/5
4 4 08/01/21 12:00 Blade Loki  102 Noradrenaline  74 4/11 5/11 9/11
5 5 08/01/21 12:00 Bojan Totovic   70 Joaquin Junior  111 8/11 17/15 11/4 11/5
6 6 08/01/21 12:00 Glen FUKUSSON  84 Tupac Amaru  83 11/9 7/11 11/9 7/11 8/11
7 7 08/01/21 12:00 Zeplinski  66 Billy Jine  79 11/6 6/11 5/11 3/11
8 8 08/01/21 12:00 Monolix   69 Matheo Leopold  46 5/11 8/11 9/11
9 9 08/01/21 12:00 Vatanen Eikki  52 Lea Primera  92 14/12 9/11 11/6 13/11
10 10 08/01/21 12:00 Solo Keass  338 Glen MORANGIE  80 11/7 5/11 11/5 9/11 9/11
11 11 08/01/21 12:00 Fuku Shima  86 Wendy Keass  319 11/7 12/10 12/10
12 12 08/01/21 12:00 RG SPORT  81 Nakk FADA  8 11/13 9/11 2/11
13 1 08/01/21 12:10 ernesto che guevara  195 Zing WANG CHENG  92 11/7 11/4 11/9
14 2 08/01/21 12:10 Angel Junior  49 Liu Dingshuo  155 12/14 11/5 4/11 5/11
15 3 08/01/21 12:10 Glen KAPELLSON  88 Kebastian Offner  97 14/12 11/3 11/4
16 4 08/01/21 12:10 Jarik Totov   146 Serotonine  70 5/11 4/11 8/11
17 5 08/01/21 12:10 Ricochet Leopold  18 Lucia Stephanos  77 11/7 11/6 11/4
18 6 08/01/21 12:10 Little Francis  123 Antonio José Bolívar  242 14/12 7/11 6/11 13/11 7/11
19 7 08/01/21 12:10 Liu Wong  81 Ilija Majstorovic  142 10/12 11/2 11/6 11/8
20 8 08/01/21 12:10 El Jefe  50 Thiago Monteiro  200 5/11 9/11 12/10 5/11
21 9 08/01/21 12:10 Somatotrophine  67 Sarr Bacane  350 11/6 11/5 11/9
22 10 08/01/21 12:10 Nina Junior  82 Craig Keass  336 11/7 11/6 11/5
23 11 08/01/21 12:10 Stephan O' First  92 King's Kavalan  8 9/11 7/11 9/11
24 12 08/01/21 12:10 Jakub Totov  170 Servietsky  329 10/12 7/11 11/5 11/8 11/6
25 1 08/01/21 12:20 Hamé KOMA  10 Sheila Broflovski  327 11/3 11/5 11/1
26 2 08/01/21 12:20 Chef Keass  341 Dopamine  61 7/11 13/11 13/11 11/6
27 3 08/01/21 12:20 N'Golo  39 Elias Nilsen  138 6/11 7/11 11/6 8/11
28 4 08/01/21 12:20 Franck Eisenmann  69 Dewey Little  93 5/11 11/7 7/11 4/11
29 5 08/01/21 12:20 Tony TOXYK  36 SENSUS  36 11/4 11/8 11/5
30 6 08/01/21 12:20 Tristan Valette  71 benito canales  166 11/8 7/11 11/8 12/10
31 7 08/01/21 12:20 Zéphyr ZOGRAPHOS  331 Droplex  67 11/7 5/11 11/8 5/11 8/11
32 8 08/01/21 12:20 Juliette Sensar  105 Hugo Calderano  199 4/11 2/11 5/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 10/01/21 14:40 ernesto che guevara  195 Ricochet Leopold  18 6/11 6/11 11/8 6/11
1 Kaloga Para
2 Lebrun Alexis
3 Emperor The Last
4 Akubueze Para
5 Cujus De
Complete ranking
Old player
2 Eikki Vatanen
4 Dopamine
5 Somatotrophine
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 TR Florent
3 TR Zouze
4 JOW Ian
5 TR Mathys
Complete ranking
1 Speed Ishow
2 Colombo Jesus Enrique
3 Scott Travis
4 Cee Central
5 JOW Ban
Complete ranking
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