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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

13/03/25 22:47:43

Events - Week 5

Open Youth Tournament (Asuncion)

Single Under 21


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 16/02/17 20:50 Pénélope Solète  0 /
2 2 16/02/17 20:50 Richard Bergman  0 Stéphane Ouaiche  0 9/11 1/11 0/11
3 3 16/02/17 20:50 Serotonine  0 Henry Casteel  0 11/6 11/7 11/5
4 4 16/02/17 20:50 Johnny Marr  0 Régis Pourlardons  0 12/14 6/11 11/6 6/11
5 5 16/02/17 20:50 Rosa ARBUCKLE  0 /
6 6 16/02/17 20:50 Mou Fasa  0 Demetrio Lopez Garcia  0 1/11 0/11 2/11
7 7 16/02/17 20:50 Rio Haryanto  0 Abraham Setrakian  0 11/2 11/3 11/3
8 8 16/02/17 20:50 Wez  0 /
9 9 16/02/17 20:50 Ben Hénuts  0 /
10 10 16/02/17 20:50 Damien PETIT  0 San Kukai  0 14/12 11/5 11/6
11 11 16/02/17 20:50 Marek Svoboda  0 Jacques BREL  0 11/0 11/3 11/0
12 12 16/02/17 20:50 Salome Rohic  0 /
13 1 16/02/17 21:00 Moon Liberty  0 Beerus Sama  159 11/2 11/1 11/0
14 2 16/02/17 21:00 Alex DeLarge  18 Kabeli Zuma  0 14/12 11/4 11/7
15 3 16/02/17 21:00 Juliette Sensar  0 Eduardo DEVONISH  0 11/1 11/2 13/11
16 4 16/02/17 21:00 Zing WANG CHENG  0 /
17 5 16/02/17 21:00 Humungus  0 /
18 6 16/02/17 21:00 Jìaì Kaï Zhangotoping  0 Austino Powerez  0 12/10 11/3 11/8
19 7 16/02/17 21:00 Avner Gadol  0 Antoine KOVALI  0 11/1 11/0 11/0
20 8 16/02/17 21:00 Warrior Liberty  0 Hynveinqus Liberty  0 3/11 0/11 0/11
21 9 16/02/17 21:00 Valerija Vinko  0 /
22 10 16/02/17 21:00 Tal Gadol  0 Chow Ouanemane  0 3/11 3/11 1/11
23 11 16/02/17 21:00 Tristan Caudal  0 Dopamine  0 11/3 11/0 11/3
24 12 16/02/17 21:00 Arti Chow  0 /
25 1 16/02/17 21:10 Petit Blokeur  0 /
26 2 16/02/17 21:10 Kouevin Legouagneux  0 Gilbert Cointreau  0 11/5 11/7 11/3
27 3 16/02/17 21:10 Etienne Picon  0 Homer Simpson  30 13/15 4/11 6/11
28 4 16/02/17 21:10 Matsuyama Hikaru jr  0 /
29 5 16/02/17 21:10 Maurice Chevalier  0 Severino Rui  0 11/2 11/0 11/3
30 6 16/02/17 21:10 Jindrich Cam  187 sebamouds casqouette   0 1/11 1/11 0/11
31 7 16/02/17 21:10 Antoine Nze Obiang  0 Glen KINCHIE  0 11/7 11/1 11/3
32 8 16/02/17 21:10 Sam Houraï  0 /
33 9 16/02/17 21:10 Ho Kwan Kit  0 /
34 10 16/02/17 21:10 Pip Chow  0 Ella VIURG  0 11/5 11/9 11/2
35 11 16/02/17 21:10 Husky Keass  0 Maximilian Gunborg  0 11/9 11/1 11/3
36 12 16/02/17 21:10 Filip Ilijevski  0 Michael Scofield  0 11/2 11/2 11/2
37 1 16/02/17 21:20 Marshall Bruce Mathers  0 /
38 2 16/02/17 21:20 Randy Keass  0 Henry Hoxha  0 0/11 0/11 0/11
39 3 16/02/17 21:20 Vlad Svoboda  0 Le Kurt  0 11/0 11/1 11/1
40 4 16/02/17 21:20 Willi Waller  0 /
41 5 16/02/17 21:20 Osten Yarda  0 /
42 6 16/02/17 21:20 RAMSES II  0 Thomas Wak  0 3/11 13/15 11/8 9/11
43 7 16/02/17 21:20 Ephraïm Ben Sempre  0 Bob MARLEY  0 11/2 11/0 11/0
44 8 16/02/17 21:20 Garî Zemko  0 /
45 9 16/02/17 21:20 sebamouds kitrouills  0 Tina Mayer  0 11/1 11/5 11/2
46 10 16/02/17 21:20 Simon Cûssonet  0 Rubeus Hagrid  0 10/12 11/4 11/9 11/6
47 11 16/02/17 21:20 Viorel Vidalescu  0 David Casteel  0 11/4 11/5 11/1
48 12 16/02/17 21:20 Paul Isson  0 /
49 1 16/02/17 21:30 Jana Vacek  0 /
50 2 16/02/17 21:30 Adrian Crisan  0 Lincoln Burrows  0 15/13 9/11 7/11 6/11
51 3 16/02/17 21:30 Akashi Seijuro  0 SEID Jeff  0 11/3 11/3 11/1
52 4 16/02/17 21:30 Harald Ansgar  0 Bart Simpson  5 4/11 13/15 7/11
53 5 16/02/17 21:30 Henry Soren  0 /
54 6 16/02/17 21:30 Kreanga KALINIKOS  0 Franck Rabarivony  0 3/11 1/11 2/11
55 7 16/02/17 21:30 Henrik Cam  0 Alejandro Carillos   0 7/11 8/11 5/11
56 8 16/02/17 21:30 Max MARECHAL  0 /
57 9 16/02/17 21:30 Lars MOUCHY  0 /
58 10 16/02/17 21:30 romane nonore  0 Criquette ROCKWELL  0 8/11 7/11 1/11
59 11 16/02/17 21:30 Reyes MONASTORIO  0 Olis Djavsek  0 11/8 15/13 11/8
60 12 16/02/17 21:30 Jon Stark  0 /
61 1 16/02/17 21:40 Peat's Beast   0 Faith Shaaban  0 11/4 11/2 11/2
62 2 16/02/17 21:40 Cleo Patra  0 Paul Drinkhall  0 3/11 2/11 3/11
63 3 16/02/17 21:40 Jeje Winnner  0 Jô Rêleür  0 11/7 9/11 17/19 9/11
64 4 16/02/17 21:40 Ting WONG CHUN  0 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 17/02/17 11:30 Pénélope Solète  0 Stéphane Ouaiche  0 11/6 11/6 11/2
2 2 17/02/17 11:30 Serotonine  0 Régis Pourlardons  0 2/11 6/11 2/11
3 3 17/02/17 11:30 Rosa ARBUCKLE  0 Demetrio Lopez Garcia  0 11/9 11/6 12/10
4 4 17/02/17 11:30 Rio Haryanto  0 Wez  0 11/9 11/7 12/10
5 5 17/02/17 11:30 Ben Hénuts  0 Damien PETIT  0 11/1 11/1 11/1
6 6 17/02/17 11:30 Marek Svoboda  0 Salome Rohic  0 8/11 10/12 6/11
7 7 17/02/17 11:30 Moon Liberty  0 Alex DeLarge  18 11/0 11/0 11/1
8 8 17/02/17 11:30 Juliette Sensar  0 Zing WANG CHENG  0 7/11 5/11 4/11
9 9 17/02/17 11:30 Humungus  0 Jìaì Kaï Zhangotoping  0 11/4 11/2 11/3
10 10 17/02/17 11:30 Avner Gadol  0 Hynveinqus Liberty  0 5/11 11/8 4/11 11/9 13/11
11 11 17/02/17 11:30 Valerija Vinko  0 Chow Ouanemane  0 11/5 11/8 11/8
12 12 17/02/17 11:30 Tristan Caudal  0 Arti Chow  0 6/11 1/11 2/11
13 1 17/02/17 11:40 Petit Blokeur  0 Kouevin Legouagneux  0 11/2 11/7 11/2
14 2 17/02/17 11:40 Homer Simpson  30 Matsuyama Hikaru jr  0 7/11 9/11 5/11
15 3 17/02/17 11:40 Maurice Chevalier  0 sebamouds casqouette   0 11/4 11/8 11/8
16 4 17/02/17 11:40 Antoine Nze Obiang  0 Sam Houraï  0 2/11 0/11 1/11
17 5 17/02/17 11:40 Ho Kwan Kit  0 Pip Chow  0 11/1 11/1 11/3
18 6 17/02/17 11:40 Husky Keass  0 Filip Ilijevski  0 11/3 11/7 11/7
19 7 17/02/17 11:40 Marshall Bruce Mathers  0 Henry Hoxha  0 11/3 11/7 11/3
20 8 17/02/17 11:40 Vlad Svoboda  0 Willi Waller  0 7/11 4/11 5/11
21 9 17/02/17 11:40 Osten Yarda  0 Thomas Wak  0 11/0 11/1 11/1
22 10 17/02/17 11:40 Ephraïm Ben Sempre  0 Garî Zemko  0 3/11 3/11 2/11
23 11 17/02/17 11:40 sebamouds kitrouills  0 Simon Cûssonet  0 11/3 11/0 11/0
24 12 17/02/17 11:40 Viorel Vidalescu  0 Paul Isson  0 3/11 2/11 4/11
25 1 17/02/17 11:50 Jana Vacek  0 Lincoln Burrows  0 11/2 11/0 11/9
26 2 17/02/17 11:50 Akashi Seijuro  0 Bart Simpson  5 12/10 5/11 6/11 11/8 11/13
27 3 17/02/17 11:50 Henry Soren  0 Franck Rabarivony  0 11/8 11/1 5/11 11/5
28 4 17/02/17 11:50 Alejandro Carillos   0 Max MARECHAL  0 3/11 4/11 1/11
29 5 17/02/17 11:50 Lars MOUCHY  0 Criquette ROCKWELL  0 11/5 11/1 11/3
30 6 17/02/17 11:50 Reyes MONASTORIO  0 Jon Stark  0 4/11 7/11 4/11
31 7 17/02/17 11:50 Peat's Beast   0 Paul Drinkhall  0 11/6 11/6 6/11 11/8
32 8 17/02/17 11:50 Jô Rêleür  0 Ting WONG CHUN  0 1/11 2/11 1/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 19/02/17 14:30 Pénélope Solète  0 Ho Kwan Kit  0 6/11 11/8 12/10 6/11 11/4
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Lebrun Alexis
Complete ranking
Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Complete ranking
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Complete ranking
Boite de tuto
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