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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

13/03/25 21:01:22

Events - Week 1

Open Youth Tournament (Liverpool)

Single Under 21


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 21/11/19 20:30 Akshay Appudurai  0 /
2 2 21/11/19 20:30 Iroquois  0 Kerstin Dragons  0 12/10 11/8 12/10
3 3 21/11/19 20:30 Jean phils Brukon  22 /
4 4 21/11/19 20:30 Giorgio Armani  0 /
5 5 21/11/19 20:30 Max Yamuvitch  0 /
6 6 21/11/19 20:30 Neophyte  8 Gal Vanisé  0 2/11 1/11 0/11
7 7 21/11/19 20:30 Demi P  0 Julian Barrosic  0 11/6 11/2 11/6
8 8 21/11/19 20:30 Ozie Tjampitjinpa  0 /
9 9 21/11/19 20:30 Werner Bauer  0 /
10 10 21/11/19 20:30 Sarit Gadol  0 Dominique Bukon  51 1/11 1/11 3/11
11 11 21/11/19 20:30 B SMOK  0 /
12 12 21/11/19 20:30 Hannah Conda  0 /
13 1 21/11/19 20:40 Robert Montoya  0 /
14 2 21/11/19 20:40 Thomas Xin  0 /
15 3 21/11/19 20:40 Leprechaun  0 Etienne SAS VB  0 5/11 4/11 6/11
16 4 21/11/19 20:40 Ava Napurrurla  0 /
17 5 21/11/19 20:40 Elijah Craig  0 /
18 6 21/11/19 20:40 Rieutords  42 Bart Simpson Jr  0 11/4 11/5 11/7
19 7 21/11/19 20:40 Mer Hoooo   0 /
20 8 21/11/19 20:40 King's Kavalan  0 /
21 9 21/11/19 20:40 Ludwig Beethoven  0 /
22 10 21/11/19 20:40 Robert Xu  0 /
23 11 21/11/19 20:40 Chao Munegu  0 Lyndon Ehsa  0 11/2 11/0 11/0
24 12 21/11/19 20:40 Chivas Régal  0 /
25 1 21/11/19 20:50 Brother Sam  0 /
26 2 21/11/19 20:50 Sarah Gadol  0 Jaroslav Krtec  0 3/11 1/11 1/11
27 3 21/11/19 20:50 Sad Hill  0 Yona Gadol  0 11/2 11/0 11/0
28 4 21/11/19 20:50 Jean Sebastien Bach  0 /
29 5 21/11/19 20:50 Cho Rizo  0 /
30 6 21/11/19 20:50 Jules César  0 /
31 7 21/11/19 20:50 Hooo Hiss  0 Ciarán O'Dragons  0 9/11 11/9 11/5 11/9
32 8 21/11/19 20:50 Andres Roca Rey  0 /
33 9 21/11/19 20:50 George The Best  0 /
34 10 21/11/19 20:50 Milla Jovovich  0 Monod Théodore  0 5/11 1/11 3/11
35 11 21/11/19 20:50 Lwoff André  0 /
36 12 21/11/19 20:50 Robert Ben Haim  0 /
37 1 21/11/19 21:00 SENSUS  0 /
38 2 21/11/19 21:00 Evil activities  3 Saherdic Krzysztof  0 1/11 0/11 0/11
39 3 21/11/19 21:00 Tomorrow Freedom  0 Victor Wooten  0 11/0 11/0 11/0
40 4 21/11/19 21:00 Jeri Castelino  0 /
41 5 21/11/19 21:00 Pappy Van Winkle  0 /
42 6 21/11/19 21:00 Sebastien Castella  0 C SMOK  0 1/11 1/11 0/11
43 7 21/11/19 21:00 Owen The Saints  0 /
44 8 21/11/19 21:00 Sheldon Cooper  0 /
45 9 21/11/19 21:00 Shmou Gadol  0 /
46 10 21/11/19 21:00 Hooo Rus  0 /
47 11 21/11/19 21:00 Fred Barjot  0 Hooo Merde  0 6/11 8/11 11/8 17/19
48 12 21/11/19 21:00 Ghulam Ali Khan  0 /
49 1 21/11/19 21:10 Resonate  0 /
50 2 21/11/19 21:10 Klaus Von Herst  0 Shimi Gadol  0 3/11 6/11 4/11
51 3 21/11/19 21:10 Jakob Dragons  0 /
52 4 21/11/19 21:10 Amadeus Mozart  0 /
53 5 21/11/19 21:10 Zain Clark  0 /
54 6 21/11/19 21:10 Trinity   0 /
55 7 21/11/19 21:10 Rodéo Rex  0 Nakk   0 11/3 11/3 11/2
56 8 21/11/19 21:10 NEXXUS  0 /
57 9 21/11/19 21:10 Palaniappan Chidambaram  0 /
58 10 21/11/19 21:10 Juan Bautista  0 Inès Timable  0 3/11 0/11 2/11
59 11 21/11/19 21:10 Magid Hassan  0 Tamim Al thani  0 11/1 11/0 11/0
60 12 21/11/19 21:10 Raquel De Ascensio  0 /
61 1 21/11/19 21:20 Max Gregor  0 /
62 2 21/11/19 21:20 Henri Stern  0 /
63 3 21/11/19 21:20 Maknovtchina  0 Max Spopovitch  0 11/6 11/6 13/11
64 4 21/11/19 21:20 Thunderdome  0 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 22/11/19 11:30 Akshay Appudurai  0 Iroquois  0 11/3 11/3 11/4
2 2 22/11/19 11:30 Jean phils Brukon  22 Giorgio Armani  0 7/11 3/11 8/11
3 3 22/11/19 11:30 Max Yamuvitch  0 Gal Vanisé  0 11/0 11/0 11/1
4 4 22/11/19 11:30 Demi P  0 Ozie Tjampitjinpa  0 0/11 1/11 0/11
5 5 22/11/19 11:30 Werner Bauer  0 Dominique Bukon  51 11/7 11/13 11/9 11/5
6 6 22/11/19 11:30 B SMOK  0 Hannah Conda  0 6/11 8/11 3/11
7 7 22/11/19 11:30 Robert Montoya  0 Thomas Xin  0 11/8 6/11 6/11 4/11
8 8 22/11/19 11:30 Etienne SAS VB  0 Ava Napurrurla  0 3/11 9/11 1/11
9 9 22/11/19 11:30 Elijah Craig  0 Rieutords  42 11/5 11/5 11/2
10 10 22/11/19 11:30 Mer Hoooo   0 King's Kavalan  0 11/9 8/11 7/11 9/11
11 11 22/11/19 11:30 Ludwig Beethoven  0 Robert Xu  0 11/1 11/2 11/1
12 12 22/11/19 11:30 Chao Munegu  0 Chivas Régal  0 0/11 4/11 2/11
13 1 22/11/19 11:40 Brother Sam  0 Jaroslav Krtec  0 11/3 11/1 11/6
14 2 22/11/19 11:40 Sad Hill  0 Jean Sebastien Bach  0 1/11 1/11 3/11
15 3 22/11/19 11:40 Cho Rizo  0 Jules César  0 4/11 5/11 9/11
16 4 22/11/19 11:40 Hooo Hiss  0 Andres Roca Rey  0 6/11 5/11 7/11
17 5 22/11/19 11:40 George The Best  0 Monod Théodore  0 11/9 6/11 9/11 1/11
18 6 22/11/19 11:40 Lwoff André  0 Robert Ben Haim  0 3/11 9/11 9/11
19 7 22/11/19 11:40 SENSUS  0 Saherdic Krzysztof  0 11/0 11/0 11/1
20 8 22/11/19 11:40 Tomorrow Freedom  0 Jeri Castelino  0 7/11 4/11 2/11
21 9 22/11/19 11:40 Pappy Van Winkle  0 C SMOK  0 11/5 11/4 11/3
22 10 22/11/19 11:40 Owen The Saints  0 Sheldon Cooper  0 11/7 11/6 11/7
23 11 22/11/19 11:40 Shmou Gadol  0 Hooo Rus  0 11/4 2/11 7/11 10/12
24 12 22/11/19 11:40 Hooo Merde  0 Ghulam Ali Khan  0 0/11 2/11 1/11
25 1 22/11/19 11:50 Resonate  0 Shimi Gadol  0 11/7 11/9 11/6
26 2 22/11/19 11:50 Jakob Dragons  0 Amadeus Mozart  0 1/11 3/11 5/11
27 3 22/11/19 11:50 Zain Clark  0 Trinity   0 9/11 5/11 9/11
28 4 22/11/19 11:50 Rodéo Rex  0 NEXXUS  0 7/11 2/11 7/11
29 5 22/11/19 11:50 Palaniappan Chidambaram  0 Inès Timable  0 11/4 11/4 11/3
30 6 22/11/19 11:50 Magid Hassan  0 Raquel De Ascensio  0 5/11 5/11 2/11
31 7 22/11/19 11:50 Max Gregor  0 Henri Stern  0 3/11 1/11 2/11
32 8 22/11/19 11:50 Maknovtchina  0 Thunderdome  0 5/11 4/11 13/11 2/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 24/11/19 14:30 Akshay Appudurai  0 Palaniappan Chidambaram  0 6/11 10/12 3/11
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Complete ranking
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Complete ranking
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