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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

14/03/25 07:38:31

Events - Week 12

Open Tournament (Antibes)

Single Senior > 120


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 10/10/19 18:40 stephane ouaiche  238 /
2 2 10/10/19 18:40 Vincent Devisse  630 Ali Gateau  276 3/11 11/9 11/5 2/11 1/11
3 3 10/10/19 18:40 Lali Gonzalez  101 /
4 4 10/10/19 18:40 Matt Ador  158 /
5 5 10/10/19 18:40 Sam Houraï  284 /
6 6 10/10/19 18:40 Nathan Vidal  311 /
7 7 10/10/19 18:40 Deepan Chiponh  301 /
8 8 10/10/19 18:40 Butters Keass  227 /
9 9 10/10/19 18:40 Joaquin Botero  89 /
10 10 10/10/19 18:40 Antonio Sepp  6 Tuff Gong  146 10/12 5/11 13/15
11 11 10/10/19 18:40 Antonio José Bolívar  325 /
12 12 10/10/19 18:40 Walt Elias Disney  233 /
13 13 10/10/19 18:40 Alexey Smirnov  82 /
14 14 10/10/19 18:40 Willi OPELGANG  142 /
15 15 10/10/19 18:40 Diego Mesa  146 Casius Kamenski  115 6/11 4/11 3/11
16 16 10/10/19 18:40 Pablo Alvaro  341 /
17 1 10/10/19 18:50 Livo Di Campos  138 /
18 2 10/10/19 18:50 Paolo Vidali  412 benito canales  166 11/7 5/11 13/11 11/6
19 3 10/10/19 18:50 Dot MATRIX  168 /
20 4 10/10/19 18:50 Glen ABERLOUR  130 /
21 5 10/10/19 18:50 Rose Keass  265 /
22 6 10/10/19 18:50 Dizzy FLORES  147 /
23 7 10/10/19 18:50 Sue Motori  131 Park Jin seung  314 11/5 11/5 11/9
24 8 10/10/19 18:50 Marshall Bruce Mathers  296 /
25 9 10/10/19 18:50 Craig Keass  318 /
26 10 10/10/19 18:50 Jolan Arti  138 Angus McChouffe Jr  289 3/11 11/8 11/9 11/7
27 11 10/10/19 18:50 George Bryan Brummel  269 /
28 12 10/10/19 18:50 Hara Kiri  290 /
29 13 10/10/19 18:50 Dong Wang  157 /
30 14 10/10/19 18:50 Johnny RICO  292 /
31 15 10/10/19 18:50 Lea Primera  92 Chin Wa  564 9/11 5/11 14/12 12/10 11/8
32 16 10/10/19 18:50 Blokeur Jr Petit  80 /
33 1 10/10/19 19:00 Tony TOXYK  36 /
34 2 10/10/19 19:00 Dewey Little  93 cortes hernan  264 7/11 5/11 8/11
35 3 10/10/19 19:00 Jonah Waiwera  235 /
36 4 10/10/19 19:00 Tupac Amaru  83 /
37 5 10/10/19 19:00 Ari Maze  257 /
38 6 10/10/19 19:00 Isaac Kamenski  98 /
39 7 10/10/19 19:00 Kanla Musiksson  175 Conor McGregor  306 11/8 9/11 11/6 9/11 11/7
40 8 10/10/19 19:00 Nina Schlager  107 /
41 9 10/10/19 19:00 Matthew Kendall  190 /
42 10 10/10/19 19:00 Glen Marvin MARCELUS  116 Horacio Junior  233 4/11 1/11 2/11
43 11 10/10/19 19:00 Maxime Junior  94 /
44 12 10/10/19 19:00 Kaiser Beck  198 /
45 13 10/10/19 19:00 Eduardo DEVONISH  189 /
46 14 10/10/19 19:00 Dan Carter  108 /
47 15 10/10/19 19:00 Rémi Gaillard  231 Dean XUU  181 5/11 9/11 11/9 12/14
48 16 10/10/19 19:00 Christ Bienatiki  334 /
49 1 10/10/19 19:10 Eugeniusz KEASS  284 /
50 2 10/10/19 19:10 Tristan Valette  71 Sheamus O'Shaunessy  307 9/11 8/11 11/9 15/13 11/5
51 3 10/10/19 19:10 Kiana Koning  127 /
52 4 10/10/19 19:10 Tomokazu Harimoto  150 /
53 5 10/10/19 19:10 Au Berg  127 /
54 6 10/10/19 19:10 Horacio SIN-SILLÓN  269 /
55 7 10/10/19 19:10 Little Francis  123 thierry devisse  615 11/7 11/0 11/3
56 8 10/10/19 19:10 Princesse VESPA  149 /
57 9 10/10/19 19:10 Alojz Stróbl  390 /
58 10 10/10/19 19:10 Sarr Bacane  317 Ting WONG CHUN  148 5/11 5/11 1/11
59 11 10/10/19 19:10 Angel Hernandez  344 /
60 12 10/10/19 19:10 Stan KEASS  242 /
61 13 10/10/19 19:10 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 /
62 14 10/10/19 19:10 Esteban Casper Granados  60 /
63 15 10/10/19 19:10 Nadir Marcus  128 Konrad Xeres  264 7/11 10/12 9/11
64 16 10/10/19 19:10 Lucas Vidal  331 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 11/10/19 10:40 stephane ouaiche  238 Ali Gateau  276 11/4 11/9 11/3
2 2 11/10/19 10:40 Lali Gonzalez  101 Matt Ador  158 5/11 5/11 5/11
3 3 11/10/19 10:40 Sam Houraï  284 Nathan Vidal  311 11/4 8/11 11/8 11/6
4 4 11/10/19 10:40 Deepan Chiponh  301 Butters Keass  227 11/8 11/9 11/9
5 5 11/10/19 10:40 Joaquin Botero  89 Tuff Gong  146 6/11 9/11 4/11
6 6 11/10/19 10:40 Antonio José Bolívar  325 Walt Elias Disney  233 6/11 10/12 11/13
7 7 11/10/19 10:40 Alexey Smirnov  82 Willi OPELGANG  142 11/9 18/16 11/3
8 8 11/10/19 10:40 Casius Kamenski  115 Pablo Alvaro  341 4/11 6/11 11/8 8/11
9 9 11/10/19 10:40 Livo Di Campos  138 Paolo Vidali  412 8/11 11/6 11/8 7/11 8/11
10 10 11/10/19 10:40 Dot MATRIX  168 Glen ABERLOUR  130 7/11 11/9 11/5 7/11 11/8
11 11 11/10/19 10:40 Rose Keass  265 Dizzy FLORES  147 11/8 11/9 11/8
12 12 11/10/19 10:40 Sue Motori  131 Marshall Bruce Mathers  296 11/9 7/11 1/11 9/11
13 13 11/10/19 10:40 Craig Keass  318 Jolan Arti  138 13/11 11/8 11/9
14 14 11/10/19 10:40 George Bryan Brummel  269 Hara Kiri  290 11/9 10/12 11/5 11/7
15 15 11/10/19 10:40 Dong Wang  157 Johnny RICO  292 11/9 4/11 10/12 9/11
16 16 11/10/19 10:40 Lea Primera  92 Blokeur Jr Petit  80 5/11 15/13 11/7 4/11 11/9
17 1 11/10/19 10:50 Tony TOXYK  36 cortes hernan  264 11/3 11/3 11/6
18 2 11/10/19 10:50 Jonah Waiwera  235 Tupac Amaru  83 11/9 6/11 8/11 11/5 11/13
19 3 11/10/19 10:50 Ari Maze  257 Isaac Kamenski  98 11/9 9/11 7/11 11/8 6/11
20 4 11/10/19 10:50 Kanla Musiksson  175 Nina Schlager  107 9/11 6/11 11/8 5/11
21 5 11/10/19 10:50 Matthew Kendall  190 Horacio Junior  233 11/4 11/3 13/11
22 6 11/10/19 10:50 Maxime Junior  94 Kaiser Beck  198 11/6 12/10 7/11 12/10
23 7 11/10/19 10:50 Eduardo DEVONISH  189 Dan Carter  108 11/9 11/5 6/11 1/11 11/7
24 8 11/10/19 10:50 Dean XUU  181 Christ Bienatiki  334 11/7 4/11 8/11 16/14 11/9
25 9 11/10/19 10:50 Eugeniusz KEASS  284 Tristan Valette  71 11/9 11/6 11/7
26 10 11/10/19 10:50 Kiana Koning  127 Tomokazu Harimoto  150 11/6 11/6 11/6
27 11 11/10/19 10:50 Au Berg  127 Horacio SIN-SILLÓN  269 8/11 6/11 5/11
28 12 11/10/19 10:50 Little Francis  123 Princesse VESPA  149 11/9 11/4 10/12 11/8
29 13 11/10/19 10:50 Alojz Stróbl  390 Ting WONG CHUN  148 11/4 5/11 8/11 11/8 8/11
30 14 11/10/19 10:50 Angel Hernandez  344 Stan KEASS  242 7/11 11/7 11/9 11/8
31 15 11/10/19 10:50 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 Esteban Casper Granados  60 9/11 6/11 11/7 11/5 6/11
32 16 11/10/19 10:50 Konrad Xeres  264 Lucas Vidal  331 8/11 5/11 6/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 13/10/19 14:20 Walt Elias Disney  233 Eugeniusz KEASS  284 11/9 11/7 14/12
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Complete ranking
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Complete ranking
Boite de tuto
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