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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

11/03/25 12:07:14

Events - Week 11

International Tournament (Wuhan)

Single Senior > 350


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 07/01/21 22:20 Sam l Hippopotame  130 /
2 2 07/01/21 22:20 Sean Sullivan  259 Tamim Al thani  247 11/3 11/6 11/6
3 3 07/01/21 22:20 Tzvetan TODOROV  457 /
4 4 07/01/21 22:20 C SMOK  426 /
5 5 07/01/21 22:20 Nostradamus  53 /
6 6 07/01/21 22:20 Fanny JOW  132 /
7 7 07/01/21 22:20 Sherlock Holmes  70 /
8 8 07/01/21 22:20 Klaus Von Herst  157 /
9 9 07/01/21 22:20 James Bond  72 /
10 10 07/01/21 22:20 Konrad Xeres  264 Trinko KEEN'V  236 8/11 11/6 11/8 7/11 11/8
11 11 07/01/21 22:20 TESLA  74 /
12 12 07/01/21 22:20 Enca JOW  163 /
13 1 07/01/21 22:30 Soledad Rosas  169 /
14 2 07/01/21 22:30 Bryan Ruiz  278 /
15 3 07/01/21 22:30 Océane JOW  171 Maël JOW  386 11/5 11/8 6/11 11/7
16 4 07/01/21 22:30 Stef Ber   315 /
17 5 07/01/21 22:30 Dmitry Glukhovsky  315 /
18 6 07/01/21 22:30 Victooooooor Sanchaine   357 Eyal Gadol  256 11/6 11/7 11/9
19 7 07/01/21 22:30 Jamie Little  45 /
20 8 07/01/21 22:30 Monkey Shoulder  75 /
21 9 07/01/21 22:30 Abba Nouri  273 /
22 10 07/01/21 22:30 Baüm Patrick  311 /
23 11 07/01/21 22:30 Maxine JOW  456 /
24 12 07/01/21 22:30 Werner Bauer  255 /
25 1 07/01/21 22:40 Iroquois  140 /
26 2 07/01/21 22:40 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 /
27 3 07/01/21 22:40 Dédé Peyron  312 /
28 4 07/01/21 22:40 Luke Skywalker  305 /
29 5 07/01/21 22:40 Luca Le Lama  159 /
30 6 07/01/21 22:40 Jésus Injouable   298 /
31 7 07/01/21 22:40 Hajampireneva Mananjoanã  271 ARUNA  73 3/11 11/2 4/11 11/5 3/11
32 8 07/01/21 22:40 Nadir Marcus  128 /
33 9 07/01/21 22:40 Ivan Hurtado  270 /
34 10 07/01/21 22:40 Edouard le Guépard  179 Franck JOW  376 4/11 11/5 8/11 11/8 7/11
35 11 07/01/21 22:40 Padraig Baileys  292 /
36 12 07/01/21 22:40 Lara JOW  166 /
37 1 07/01/21 22:50 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 /
38 2 07/01/21 22:50 Marcus Miller  274 /
39 3 07/01/21 22:50 Veselin TOPALOV  456 /
40 4 07/01/21 22:50 PESARO  59 /
41 5 07/01/21 22:50 Sean McDoye Jr  266 /
42 6 07/01/21 22:50 Jean BONO  444 /
43 7 07/01/21 22:50 Tyrone Meehan  260 /
44 8 07/01/21 22:50 Tupou VI  339 /
45 9 07/01/21 22:50 Elmer Detrop  333 /
46 10 07/01/21 22:50 Yossi Benayoun  280 /
47 11 07/01/21 22:50 El Juli  129 Sebastian Sullivan  239 11/13 9/11 8/11
48 12 07/01/21 22:50 Steijn SNEIJDER  194 /
49 1 07/01/21 23:00 Gal Vanisé  329 /
50 2 07/01/21 23:00 Harlon Tharn  263 Jean BON  439 11/8 11/8 3/11 9/11 8/11
51 3 07/01/21 23:00 Bobo Lamoto  305 /
52 4 07/01/21 23:00 Lord CASQUE-NOIR  221 /
53 5 07/01/21 23:00 B SMOK  425 /
54 6 07/01/21 23:00 Tomorrow Freedom  222 /
55 7 07/01/21 23:00 Juan Leal  187 Magid Hassan  200 12/14 7/11 6/11
56 8 07/01/21 23:00 Ali Gateau  276 /
57 9 07/01/21 23:00 Ouriel Gadol  324 /
58 10 07/01/21 23:00 Ouriah Gadol  325 /
59 11 07/01/21 23:00 Marhmould   436 /
60 12 07/01/21 23:00 Alice De Mauritanice  410 /
61 1 07/01/21 23:10 Titouan JOW  387 /
62 2 07/01/21 23:10 Mariano Diaz  86 /
63 3 07/01/21 23:10 Martine Laturbine  107 Miguel Angel Perera  135 11/13 7/11 7/11
64 4 07/01/21 23:10 Aitor Le Condor  144 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 08/01/21 10:30 Sam l Hippopotame  130 Sean Sullivan  259 11/5 11/8 11/4
2 2 08/01/21 10:30 Tzvetan TODOROV  457 C SMOK  426 7/11 11/7 10/12 4/11
3 3 08/01/21 10:30 Nostradamus  53 Fanny JOW  132 11/4 11/5 11/5
4 4 08/01/21 10:30 Sherlock Holmes  70 Klaus Von Herst  157 3/11 4/11 7/11
5 5 08/01/21 10:30 James Bond  72 Konrad Xeres  264 11/5 11/4 11/8
6 6 08/01/21 10:30 TESLA  74 Enca JOW  163 7/11 10/12 11/3 11/8 1/11
7 7 08/01/21 10:30 Soledad Rosas  169 Bryan Ruiz  278 10/12 4/11 6/11
8 8 08/01/21 10:30 Océane JOW  171 Stef Ber   315 11/3 11/5 11/0
9 9 08/01/21 10:30 Dmitry Glukhovsky  315 Victooooooor Sanchaine   357 11/6 11/8 11/0
10 10 08/01/21 10:30 Jamie Little  45 Monkey Shoulder  75 11/8 6/11 10/12 7/11
11 11 08/01/21 10:30 Abba Nouri  273 Baüm Patrick  311 11/6 7/11 11/8 11/5
12 12 08/01/21 10:30 Maxine JOW  456 Werner Bauer  255 1/11 2/11 2/11
13 1 08/01/21 10:40 Iroquois  140 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 9/11 6/11 7/11
14 2 08/01/21 10:40 Dédé Peyron  312 Luke Skywalker  305 9/11 11/6 5/11 12/10 11/7
15 3 08/01/21 10:40 Luca Le Lama  159 Jésus Injouable   298 7/11 7/11 5/11
16 4 08/01/21 10:40 ARUNA  73 Nadir Marcus  128 7/11 12/10 11/6 11/8
17 5 08/01/21 10:40 Ivan Hurtado  270 Franck JOW  376 14/12 8/11 11/6 4/11 7/11
18 6 08/01/21 10:40 Padraig Baileys  292 Lara JOW  166 11/0 11/4 11/3
19 7 08/01/21 10:40 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 Marcus Miller  274 14/12 5/11 11/5 11/6
20 8 08/01/21 10:40 Veselin TOPALOV  456 PESARO  59 4/11 2/11 8/11
21 9 08/01/21 10:40 Sean McDoye Jr  266 Jean BONO  444 11/4 11/4 11/3
22 10 08/01/21 10:40 Tyrone Meehan  260 Tupou VI  339 4/11 10/12 6/11
23 11 08/01/21 10:40 Elmer Detrop  333 Yossi Benayoun  280 9/11 11/9 6/11 9/11
24 12 08/01/21 10:40 Sebastian Sullivan  239 Steijn SNEIJDER  194 1/11 1/11 3/11
25 1 08/01/21 10:50 Gal Vanisé  329 Jean BON  439 9/11 11/1 6/11 11/6 9/11
26 2 08/01/21 10:50 Bobo Lamoto  305 Lord CASQUE-NOIR  221 3/11 11/9 5/11 6/11
27 3 08/01/21 10:50 B SMOK  425 Tomorrow Freedom  222 11/13 3/11 3/11
28 4 08/01/21 10:50 Magid Hassan  200 Ali Gateau  276 5/11 11/4 1/11 5/11
29 5 08/01/21 10:50 Ouriel Gadol  324 Ouriah Gadol  325 11/5 6/11 9/11 6/11
30 6 08/01/21 10:50 Marhmould   436 Alice De Mauritanice  410 9/11 8/11 11/6 11/13
31 7 08/01/21 10:50 Titouan JOW  387 Mariano Diaz  86 8/11 12/10 14/12 11/6
32 8 08/01/21 10:50 Miguel Angel Perera  135 Aitor Le Condor  144 4/11 3/11 3/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 10/01/21 14:10 Dmitry Glukhovsky  315 Tomorrow Freedom  222 7/11 6/11 13/11 3/11
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