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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

15/01/25 05:08:13

Events - Week 11

International Tournament (Wuhan)

Single Senior > 12


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 25/10/18 23:50 Juliette Sensar  105 /
2 2 25/10/18 23:50 Georges Brassens  200 Kenny Keass  279 11/7 5/11 5/11 9/11
3 3 25/10/18 23:50 Cartman Keass  298 Fanfan Ronaldo  119 8/11 9/11 4/11
4 4 25/10/18 23:50 Han Zhan Wang  148 /
5 5 25/10/18 23:50 Dong Wang  157 /
6 6 25/10/18 23:50 Joaquin Botero  89 stephane ouaiche  238 2/11 5/11 11/8 11/8 11/7
7 7 25/10/18 23:50 Princesse VESPA  147 Rio Haryanto  139 6/11 9/11 11/8 11/13
8 8 25/10/18 23:50 Livo Di Campos  138 /
9 9 25/10/18 23:50 Ho Kwan Kit  148 /
10 10 25/10/18 23:50 Ting WONG CHUN  148 Glen ABERLOUR  130 9/11 3/11 8/11
11 11 25/10/18 23:50 Marie Brizard  100 Somatotrophine  66 11/8 10/12 13/11 11/5
12 12 25/10/18 23:50 Kyle Keass  280 /
13 1 26/10/18 00:00 Junior Diaz  70 /
14 2 26/10/18 00:00 Jìaì Kaï Zhangotoping  139 Nikhil Kumar  332 11/4 11/13 11/9 9/11 2/11
15 3 26/10/18 00:00 Matsuyama Hikaru jr  178 Serotonine  72 5/11 9/11 5/11
16 4 26/10/18 00:00 Sadek DAVODKATSOA  79 /
17 5 26/10/18 00:00 Gérard Baste  56 /
18 6 26/10/18 00:00 Vlad Poutine  295 Shiran Weisman  109 5/11 11/6 7/11 12/10 11/13
19 7 26/10/18 00:00 Etienne Picon  128 Alojz Stróbl  390 3/11 6/11 12/10 8/11
20 8 26/10/18 00:00 Adi Goren  140 /
21 9 26/10/18 00:00 Femi Kuti  168 /
22 10 26/10/18 00:00 Wilkie Collins  139 Lucas Vidal  331 5/11 8/11 6/11
23 11 26/10/18 00:00 Dizzy FLORES  143 Tina Mayer  207 11/4 2/11 11/9 10/12 9/11
24 12 26/10/18 00:00 Jai Chow  1837 /
25 1 26/10/18 00:10 KOSTIA BEATS  116 /
26 2 26/10/18 00:10 Romy Wenzel  193 Jana Vacek  86 6/11 11/7 5/11 11/2 4/11
27 3 26/10/18 00:10 Dan Carter  108 Willi OPELGANG  135 11/7 9/11 11/8 15/13
28 4 26/10/18 00:10 Paul Drinkhall  54 /
29 5 26/10/18 00:10 Fela Kuti  136 /
30 6 26/10/18 00:10 Vincent Devisse  630 Dot MATRIX  159 8/11 6/11 9/11
31 7 26/10/18 00:10 Dong Chul Cho  119 Willi Waller  92 11/5 9/11 5/11 6/11
32 8 26/10/18 00:10 Modipo Keass  272 /
33 9 26/10/18 00:10 Ari Maze  262 /
34 10 26/10/18 00:10 Au Berg  127 Salome Rohic  180 11/8 3/11 14/12 11/6
35 11 26/10/18 00:10 Bernardo Provenzano De N  284 Rémi Gaillard  231 7/11 11/7 4/11 12/10 11/8
36 12 26/10/18 00:10 Eugeniusz KEASS  288 /
37 1 26/10/18 00:20 Gal Galili  116 /
38 2 26/10/18 00:20 Benjamin Djokovic  104 Katia Ourte  511 12/10 8/11 4/11 4/11
39 3 26/10/18 00:20 Alexey Smirnov  82 Arina Kozar  164 8/11 7/11 11/7 11/7 11/8
40 4 26/10/18 00:20 Little Malcolm  131 /
41 5 26/10/18 00:20 Nasser Leopold  105 /
42 6 26/10/18 00:20 Token KEASS  172 Osten Yarda  66 9/11 11/8 11/7 11/5
43 7 26/10/18 00:20 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 Stephano El Quitero  106 11/8 12/10 5/11 9/11 11/9
44 8 26/10/18 00:20 Glen DRONACH  201 /
45 9 26/10/18 00:20 Christ Bienatiki  334 /
46 10 26/10/18 00:20 Jolan Arti  150 Gaspa CHOW  122 10/12 11/13 3/11
47 11 26/10/18 00:20 H.P. LOVECRAFT  123 Martín Torrijos  153 12/10 9/11 5/11 6/11
48 12 26/10/18 00:20 Philippe Sers  79 /
49 1 26/10/18 00:30 Para Podzianowski  76 /
50 2 26/10/18 00:30 Ben Hénuts  329 Jarik Totov   146 12/10 7/11 11/7 5/11 10/12
51 3 26/10/18 00:30 Lord Byron  196 thierry devisse  615 11/8 4/11 6/11 8/11
52 4 26/10/18 00:30 Tanja Makinen   106 /
53 5 26/10/18 00:30 Matti Makinen  77 /
54 6 26/10/18 00:30 Marshall Bruce Mathers  297 Peter Sagan  74 5/11 11/6 12/10 11/5
55 7 26/10/18 00:30 Johnny RICO  292 Pablo Alvaro  341 3/11 12/10 10/12 9/11
56 8 26/10/18 00:30 Luqman Du-l-Qarnayn  131 /
57 9 26/10/18 00:30 Glen TURNER  169 /
58 10 26/10/18 00:30 Petit Blokeur  75 Georges Frêche  158 13/11 11/8 11/6
59 11 26/10/18 00:30 Dopamine  60 René Byrrh  89 9/11 9/11 11/9 11/7 11/5
60 12 26/10/18 00:30 Ioanna Elli Kiosi  151 /
61 1 26/10/18 00:40 Loulou Nicollin  138 /
62 2 26/10/18 00:40 Benjamin Fognini  306 Lincoln Burrows  244 5/11 4/11 6/11
63 3 26/10/18 00:40 Husky Keass  153 Deepan Chiponh  301 12/10 11/4 11/7
64 4 26/10/18 00:40 Dawood Ibrahim  110 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 26/10/18 11:40 Juliette Sensar  105 Kenny Keass  279 11/5 11/7 11/3
2 2 26/10/18 11:40 Fanfan Ronaldo  119 Han Zhan Wang  148 4/11 3/11 11/4 11/8 5/11
3 3 26/10/18 11:40 Dong Wang  157 Joaquin Botero  89 11/8 11/8 11/5
4 4 26/10/18 11:40 Rio Haryanto  139 Livo Di Campos  138 11/9 11/6 11/7
5 5 26/10/18 11:40 Ho Kwan Kit  148 Glen ABERLOUR  130 13/11 14/12 9/11 11/9
6 6 26/10/18 11:40 Marie Brizard  100 Kyle Keass  280 6/11 10/12 11/6 10/12
7 7 26/10/18 11:40 Junior Diaz  70 Nikhil Kumar  332 11/7 11/8 11/8
8 8 26/10/18 11:40 Serotonine  72 Sadek DAVODKATSOA  79 7/11 11/7 11/7 11/6
9 9 26/10/18 11:40 Gérard Baste  56 Shiran Weisman  109 13/11 19/17 11/7
10 10 26/10/18 11:40 Alojz Stróbl  390 Adi Goren  140 7/11 5/11 10/12
11 11 26/10/18 11:40 Femi Kuti  168 Lucas Vidal  331 11/4 13/11 11/7
12 12 26/10/18 11:40 Tina Mayer  207 Jai Chow  1837 4/11 9/11 1/11
13 1 26/10/18 11:50 KOSTIA BEATS  116 Jana Vacek  86 9/11 11/9 9/11 5/11
14 2 26/10/18 11:50 Dan Carter  108 Paul Drinkhall  54 8/11 0/11 8/11
15 3 26/10/18 11:50 Fela Kuti  136 Dot MATRIX  159 7/11 11/8 3/11 11/8 12/10
16 4 26/10/18 11:50 Willi Waller  92 Modipo Keass  272 11/3 11/9 8/11 11/4
17 5 26/10/18 11:50 Ari Maze  262 Au Berg  127 8/11 9/11 9/11
18 6 26/10/18 11:50 Bernardo Provenzano De N  284 Eugeniusz KEASS  288 11/6 11/6 9/11 6/11 10/12
19 7 26/10/18 11:50 Gal Galili  116 Katia Ourte  511 11/9 9/11 8/11 11/8 9/11
20 8 26/10/18 11:50 Alexey Smirnov  82 Little Malcolm  131 11/8 7/11 6/11 6/11
21 9 26/10/18 11:50 Nasser Leopold  105 Token KEASS  172 11/4 9/11 11/9 10/12 11/6
22 10 26/10/18 11:50 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 Glen DRONACH  201 10/12 11/3 6/11 11/7 3/11
23 11 26/10/18 11:50 Christ Bienatiki  334 Gaspa CHOW  122 4/11 11/9 6/11 9/11
24 12 26/10/18 11:50 Martín Torrijos  153 Philippe Sers  79 5/11 10/12 2/11
25 1 26/10/18 12:00 Para Podzianowski  76 Jarik Totov   146 11/9 11/7 11/7
26 2 26/10/18 12:00 thierry devisse  615 Tanja Makinen   106 11/8 11/8 5/11 9/11 11/9
27 3 26/10/18 12:00 Matti Makinen  77 Marshall Bruce Mathers  297 11/8 11/8 12/10
28 4 26/10/18 12:00 Pablo Alvaro  341 Luqman Du-l-Qarnayn  131 3/11 4/11 9/11
29 5 26/10/18 12:00 Glen TURNER  169 Petit Blokeur  75 11/7 11/5 11/9
30 6 26/10/18 12:00 Dopamine  60 Ioanna Elli Kiosi  151 11/6 11/8 11/9
31 7 26/10/18 12:00 Loulou Nicollin  138 Lincoln Burrows  244 11/6 6/11 11/6 3/11 11/4
32 8 26/10/18 12:00 Husky Keass  153 Dawood Ibrahim  110 11/3 11/9 11/9


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 28/10/18 14:40 Juliette Sensar  105 Para Podzianowski  76 7/11 9/11 9/11
1 Kaloga Para
2 Akubueze Para
3 Lebrun Alexis
4 Emperor The Last
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
2 Eikki Vatanen
4 Dopamine
5 Somatotrophine
Complete ranking
Under 21
2 JOW Ian
3 TR Zouze
4 TR Florent
5 TR Mathys
Complete ranking
1 Scott Travis
2 Speed Ishow
3 JOW Ban
4 Colombo Jesus Enrique
5 Cee Central
Complete ranking
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