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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

14/03/25 06:38:10

Events - Week 4

Open Tournament (Schiltigheim)

Single Senior > 350


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 30/06/16 20:10 Benjamin Fognini  306 /
2 2 30/06/16 20:10 Kiril Pudan  183 Wilkie Collins  139 11/1 11/2 6/11 11/9
3 3 30/06/16 20:10 Mattias Karlsson  308 /
4 4 30/06/16 20:10 Maleli KUNAVORE  233 /
5 5 30/06/16 20:10 boule gauche  1306 /
6 6 30/06/16 20:10 BONGO Omar  2066 Nathan Vidal  311 2/11 0/11 0/11
7 7 30/06/16 20:10 Toscane BASTOGNE  2063 Le top euros fo lapoisse  587 6/11 9/11 4/11
8 8 30/06/16 20:10 Phils Lamberts  336 /
9 1 30/06/16 20:20 Kebastian Kurty  376 /
10 2 30/06/16 20:20 Kristian KARLSSON  321 Sir Benjamin Murray  483 11/3 11/8 11/4
11 3 30/06/16 20:20 abraham Samsonovich  1876 /
12 4 30/06/16 20:20 Grassus Bouboulus  486 /
13 5 30/06/16 20:20 Andrew Baggaley  1933 /
14 6 30/06/16 20:20 Lucas Vidal  331 /
15 7 30/06/16 20:20 Timo Boll  1688 abdu nasser  478 11/7 11/9 11/9
16 8 30/06/16 20:20 Irving Saladino  279 /
17 1 30/06/16 20:30 Fela Kuti  136 /
18 2 30/06/16 20:30 Matt Dulleaux  778 lavios jerome  1910 11/3 11/4 11/8
19 3 30/06/16 20:30 Diogo CHEN  322 /
20 4 30/06/16 20:30 Ali Gateau  276 /
21 5 30/06/16 20:30 Koki Niwa  1270 /
22 6 30/06/16 20:30 guump foreste  474 /
23 7 30/06/16 20:30 Sebamed Bouderstrassen  230 kretinga kalamitos  479 5/11 2/11 1/11
24 8 30/06/16 20:30 David BASTOGNE  1362 /
25 1 30/06/16 20:40 Willi OPELGANG  142 /
26 2 30/06/16 20:40 B janiku  915 Miss Tayre  1963 3/11 4/11 6/11
27 3 30/06/16 20:40 Aladin Young  283 /
28 4 30/06/16 20:40 ludovic creach  1623 /
29 5 30/06/16 20:40 laurent lasdupicot  1474 /
30 6 30/06/16 20:40 Marcos Freitas  298 /
31 7 30/06/16 20:40 Kriystian Fraytsch  427 Néo INCUBUS  130 12/14 6/11 8/11
32 8 30/06/16 20:40 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 /
33 1 30/06/16 20:50 Judie Saive  1393 /
34 2 30/06/16 20:50 Paolo Vidali  412 Quentin Golden  424 3/11 2/11 1/11
35 3 30/06/16 20:50 pongiste grand  269 /
36 4 30/06/16 20:50 Miguel Dinero  1451 /
37 5 30/06/16 20:50 Holy Juiveland  288 /
38 6 30/06/16 20:50 Dimitrij Ovtcharov  1795 /
39 7 30/06/16 20:50 Vylea SMOUSSA  1964 Pedro Young  294 11/8 11/6 11/6
40 8 30/06/16 20:50 Christ Bienatiki  334 /
41 1 30/06/16 21:00 Christopher Dias  550 /
42 2 30/06/16 21:00 Philippe Laville  1185 roger tielemans   2023 7/11 4/11 11/9 4/11
43 3 30/06/16 21:00 Gzor Lemaudit  1717 /
44 4 30/06/16 21:00 Hadrian Sergent  476 /
45 5 30/06/16 21:00 teddy sketch  1815 /
46 6 30/06/16 21:00 emmy sketch   1816 /
47 7 30/06/16 21:00 Henri Cam  1703 Shane McVidal  305 11/5 11/8 17/15
48 8 30/06/16 21:00 Yody Ortiz  1245 /
49 1 30/06/16 21:10 Sebastian Sullivan  239 /
50 2 30/06/16 21:10 Waldner Kristel  1872 Timi Filippo  2068 10/12 11/8 11/6 11/8
51 3 30/06/16 21:10 QUENTIN JACQOUILLE  495 /
52 4 30/06/16 21:10 Micha BERECKI  1750 /
53 5 30/06/16 21:10 Joao PERSSON  309 /
54 6 30/06/16 21:10 Raydmoound Kalat  344 /
55 7 30/06/16 21:10 Antoni Mart  482 party free  2057 12/10 11/2 11/5
56 8 30/06/16 21:10 Angel Hernandez  344 /
57 1 30/06/16 21:20 ber stef  244 /
58 2 30/06/16 21:20 Jan Ove Waldner  1722 vincent Purkart  647 8/11 11/9 11/2 11/2
59 3 30/06/16 21:20 fiorentini hubert  475 Dagon Ga  1703 12/10 11/6 5/11 11/7
60 4 30/06/16 21:20 Sokha Kem  537 /
61 5 30/06/16 21:20 Wilfried Golden  427 /
62 6 30/06/16 21:20 Hara Kiri  290 /
63 7 30/06/16 21:20 Brendan Garrec  872 Philippe Saive  1658 4/11 5/11 5/11
64 8 30/06/16 21:20 Waldner Ariane  1871 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 01/07/16 10:40 Benjamin Fognini  306 Kiril Pudan  183 4/11 5/11 7/11
2 2 01/07/16 10:40 Mattias Karlsson  308 Maleli KUNAVORE  233 11/5 11/3 11/8
3 3 01/07/16 10:40 boule gauche  1306 Nathan Vidal  311 11/3 9/11 11/7 11/2
4 4 01/07/16 10:40 Le top euros fo lapoisse  587 Phils Lamberts  336 0/11 6/11 4/11
5 5 01/07/16 10:40 Kebastian Kurty  376 Kristian KARLSSON  321 11/2 11/3 11/0
6 6 01/07/16 10:40 abraham Samsonovich  1876 Grassus Bouboulus  486 4/11 6/11 3/11
7 7 01/07/16 10:40 Andrew Baggaley  1933 Lucas Vidal  331 8/11 3/11 10/12
8 8 01/07/16 10:40 Timo Boll  1688 Irving Saladino  279 1/11 4/11 0/11
9 1 01/07/16 10:50 Fela Kuti  136 Matt Dulleaux  778 11/0 11/1 11/1
10 2 01/07/16 10:50 Diogo CHEN  322 Ali Gateau  276 3/11 7/11 6/11
11 3 01/07/16 10:50 Koki Niwa  1270 guump foreste  474 3/11 10/12 6/11
12 4 01/07/16 10:50 kretinga kalamitos  479 David BASTOGNE  1362 0/11 0/11 2/11
13 5 01/07/16 10:50 Willi OPELGANG  142 Miss Tayre  1963 11/0 11/0 11/0
14 6 01/07/16 10:50 Aladin Young  283 ludovic creach  1623 4/11 1/11 5/11
15 7 01/07/16 10:50 laurent lasdupicot  1474 Marcos Freitas  298 4/11 3/11 6/11
16 8 01/07/16 10:50 Néo INCUBUS  130 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 4/11 3/11 4/11
17 1 01/07/16 11:00 Judie Saive  1393 Quentin Golden  424 11/4 11/3 11/1
18 2 01/07/16 11:00 pongiste grand  269 Miguel Dinero  1451 11/13 2/11 8/11
19 3 01/07/16 11:00 Holy Juiveland  288 Dimitrij Ovtcharov  1795 11/0 11/0 11/1
20 4 01/07/16 11:00 Vylea SMOUSSA  1964 Christ Bienatiki  334 3/11 0/11 0/11
21 5 01/07/16 11:00 Christopher Dias  550 roger tielemans   2023 11/1 11/0 11/0
22 6 01/07/16 11:00 Gzor Lemaudit  1717 Hadrian Sergent  476 3/11 0/11 1/11
23 7 01/07/16 11:00 teddy sketch  1815 emmy sketch   1816 8/11 12/10 11/8 6/11 17/15
24 8 01/07/16 11:00 Henri Cam  1703 Yody Ortiz  1245 0/11 0/11 0/11
25 1 01/07/16 11:10 Sebastian Sullivan  239 Waldner Kristel  1872 11/1 11/4 11/2
26 2 01/07/16 11:10 QUENTIN JACQOUILLE  495 Micha BERECKI  1750 11/2 11/5 11/4
27 3 01/07/16 11:10 Joao PERSSON  309 Raydmoound Kalat  344 8/11 7/11 11/6 11/9 11/8
28 4 01/07/16 11:10 Antoni Mart  482 Angel Hernandez  344 2/11 1/11 1/11
29 5 01/07/16 11:10 ber stef  244 Jan Ove Waldner  1722 11/0 11/0 11/1
30 6 01/07/16 11:10 fiorentini hubert  475 Sokha Kem  537 1/11 0/11 4/11
31 7 01/07/16 11:10 Wilfried Golden  427 Hara Kiri  290 11/4 11/7 11/4
32 8 01/07/16 11:10 Philippe Saive  1658 Waldner Ariane  1871 3/11 2/11 1/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 03/07/16 14:10 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 Christ Bienatiki  334 9/11 12/10 11/9 11/6
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Lebrun Alexis
Complete ranking
Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Complete ranking
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Complete ranking
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