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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

14/03/25 07:24:04

Events - Week 4

Open Tournament (Schiltigheim)

Single Senior > 350


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 15/08/19 20:50 Ouriel Gadol  324 /
2 2 15/08/19 20:50 Rai Ponce  310 Mateo Portocarrero  588 11/8 12/10 12/14 11/7
3 3 15/08/19 20:50 Si-Seup Kim  174 /
4 4 15/08/19 20:50 Mikael Rodeshibière  122 /
5 5 15/08/19 20:50 Carlos Gutierrez  411 /
6 6 15/08/19 20:50 Aitor Le Condor  144 /
7 7 15/08/19 20:50 Aurora Lupo  674 /
8 8 15/08/19 20:50 Abraham Setrakian  498 /
9 1 15/08/19 21:00 Solo Keass  323 /
10 2 15/08/19 21:00 Bernhard Gunter  85 /
11 3 15/08/19 21:00 kickman Altaw  224 /
12 4 15/08/19 21:00 Esteban Lupo  668 /
13 5 15/08/19 21:00 Marius Oprea  2348 /
14 6 15/08/19 21:00 Luke Skywalker  305 /
15 7 15/08/19 21:00 Moti Gadol  287 /
16 8 15/08/19 21:00 Nina Junior  82 /
17 1 15/08/19 21:10 Carotte Leopold  5 /
18 2 15/08/19 21:10 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 /
19 3 15/08/19 21:10 Jeomin So Hin  662 /
20 4 15/08/19 21:10 Alex Salvado  182 /
21 5 15/08/19 21:10 José Luis Papagayo  245 /
22 6 15/08/19 21:10 Alonzy Alonso  178 /
23 7 15/08/19 21:10 Mickey Reveillon   391 /
24 8 15/08/19 21:10 Juan Moreno  295 /
25 1 15/08/19 21:20 Lluis Antor  204 /
26 2 15/08/19 21:20 Harkness Jack  200 /
27 3 15/08/19 21:20 Suze Uki  376 /
28 4 15/08/19 21:20 Steijn SNEIJDER  194 /
29 5 15/08/19 21:20 Eddy Malou  2465 /
30 6 15/08/19 21:20 Andriantsimitov  110 /
31 7 15/08/19 21:20 Harlon Tharn  263 Sergiu Lupo  673 11/7 10/12 4/11 11/5 11/6
32 8 15/08/19 21:20 Coly Masson  316 /
33 1 15/08/19 21:30 Santiago Portocarrero  587 /
34 2 15/08/19 21:30 Sebastian Sullivan  239 Artyom Alekseyevich  314 5/11 4/11 2/11
35 3 15/08/19 21:30 Bojan Totovic   70 /
36 4 15/08/19 21:30 Glen Marvin MARCELUS  116 /
37 5 15/08/19 21:30 Marima N'Boll  143 /
38 6 15/08/19 21:30 Otto Psy  322 /
39 7 15/08/19 21:30 Babakar   76 /
40 8 15/08/19 21:30 defman Altaw  211 /
41 1 15/08/19 21:40 Ben Henuts Jr  312 /
42 2 15/08/19 21:40 Yotam Gadol  268 /
43 3 15/08/19 21:40 Dawit Teshome  2476 /
44 4 15/08/19 21:40 Stef Ahn-Ho  90 /
45 5 15/08/19 21:40 Taï Isefa  671 /
46 6 15/08/19 21:40 Angus McChouffe Jr  289 /
47 7 15/08/19 21:40 Hervé Zinzinrela  211 /
48 8 15/08/19 21:40 Numérobis  2503 /
49 1 15/08/19 21:50 Sean Sullivan Jr  319 /
50 2 15/08/19 21:50 Biakou Ghan  536 /
51 3 15/08/19 21:50 N'Golo  39 /
52 4 15/08/19 21:50 Shidaï Yon  670 /
53 5 15/08/19 21:50 Lapu Lapu  297 /
54 6 15/08/19 21:50 RG SPORT  81 /
55 7 15/08/19 21:50 Ouriah Gadol  325 /
56 8 15/08/19 21:50 Nataan Tiito  180 /
57 1 15/08/19 22:00 Max Lambat  687 /
58 2 15/08/19 22:00 Abba Nouri  273 /
59 3 15/08/19 22:00 Jean Baptiste Dibold  380 /
60 4 15/08/19 22:00 Javier Diaz Fortin  233 /
61 5 15/08/19 22:00 Obélix  313 /
62 6 15/08/19 22:00 Lali Gonzalez  101 /
63 7 15/08/19 22:00 Aro Matisé  320 Ivan Totovic  252 11/5 7/11 11/5 11/6
64 8 15/08/19 22:00 Ricochet Leopold  18 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 16/08/19 10:40 Ouriel Gadol  324 Rai Ponce  310 5/11 0/11 4/11
2 2 16/08/19 10:40 Si-Seup Kim  174 Mikael Rodeshibière  122 10/12 13/11 11/13 11/8 11/8
3 3 16/08/19 10:40 Carlos Gutierrez  411 Aitor Le Condor  144 11/1 11/4 11/1
4 4 16/08/19 10:40 Aurora Lupo  674 Abraham Setrakian  498 2/11 7/11 6/11
5 5 16/08/19 10:40 Solo Keass  323 Bernhard Gunter  85 4/11 3/11 2/11
6 6 16/08/19 10:40 kickman Altaw  224 Esteban Lupo  668 6/11 8/11 5/11
7 7 16/08/19 10:40 Marius Oprea  2348 Luke Skywalker  305 11/5 11/8 11/3
8 8 16/08/19 10:40 Moti Gadol  287 Nina Junior  82 6/11 11/5 11/9 9/11 9/11
9 1 16/08/19 10:50 Carotte Leopold  5 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 11/1 11/0 11/2
10 2 16/08/19 10:50 Jeomin So Hin  662 Alex Salvado  182 11/5 11/5 8/11 9/11 8/11
11 3 16/08/19 10:50 José Luis Papagayo  245 Alonzy Alonso  178 11/0 11/0 11/1
12 4 16/08/19 10:50 Mickey Reveillon   391 Juan Moreno  295 11/1 11/0 11/6
13 5 16/08/19 10:50 Lluis Antor  204 Harkness Jack  200 11/4 11/3 11/2
14 6 16/08/19 10:50 Suze Uki  376 Steijn SNEIJDER  194 11/4 12/10 11/8
15 7 16/08/19 10:50 Eddy Malou  2465 Andriantsimitov  110 11/7 6/11 9/11 7/11
16 8 16/08/19 10:50 Harlon Tharn  263 Coly Masson  316 8/11 5/11 4/11
17 1 16/08/19 11:00 Santiago Portocarrero  587 Artyom Alekseyevich  314 11/3 12/10 14/12
18 2 16/08/19 11:00 Bojan Totovic   70 Glen Marvin MARCELUS  116 11/9 8/11 2/11 7/11
19 3 16/08/19 11:00 Marima N'Boll  143 Otto Psy  322 11/7 9/11 11/5 11/6
20 4 16/08/19 11:00 Babakar   76 defman Altaw  211 11/8 3/11 5/11 8/11
21 5 16/08/19 11:00 Ben Henuts Jr  312 Yotam Gadol  268 9/11 11/7 11/7 9/11 5/11
22 6 16/08/19 11:00 Dawit Teshome  2476 Stef Ahn-Ho  90 11/3 11/5 8/11 11/8
23 7 16/08/19 11:00 Taï Isefa  671 Angus McChouffe Jr  289 13/15 11/7 11/7 11/13 11/6
24 8 16/08/19 11:00 Hervé Zinzinrela  211 Numérobis  2503 6/11 11/2 11/2 11/3
25 1 16/08/19 11:10 Sean Sullivan Jr  319 Biakou Ghan  536 11/1 11/6 11/2
26 2 16/08/19 11:10 N'Golo  39 Shidaï Yon  670 9/11 11/6 11/7 11/5
27 3 16/08/19 11:10 Lapu Lapu  297 RG SPORT  81 3/11 6/11 4/11
28 4 16/08/19 11:10 Ouriah Gadol  325 Nataan Tiito  180 8/11 11/5 11/9 7/11 11/5
29 5 16/08/19 11:10 Max Lambat  687 Abba Nouri  273 17/19 3/11 6/11
30 6 16/08/19 11:10 Jean Baptiste Dibold  380 Javier Diaz Fortin  233 7/11 7/11 14/12 12/10 11/6
31 7 16/08/19 11:10 Obélix  313 Lali Gonzalez  101 11/8 11/9 11/9
32 8 16/08/19 11:10 Aro Matisé  320 Ricochet Leopold  18 8/11 6/11 8/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 18/08/19 14:10 Andriantsimitov  110 N'Golo  39 11/1 11/6 11/8
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2 Kaloga Para
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