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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

25/04/24 21:41:18

Events - Week 3

Open Tournament (Sao Paulo)

Single Senior > 350


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 10/05/18 21:20 Jay Lee Pienaar  144 /
2 2 10/05/18 21:20 Glen KINCHIE  61 Edwin Delgado  268 11/8 11/5 9/11 11/3
3 3 10/05/18 21:20 Jorge Orozco  72 /
4 4 10/05/18 21:20 Bob MARLEY  2280 /
5 5 10/05/18 21:20 Rubeus Hagrid  536 /
6 6 10/05/18 21:20 Ilija Majstorovic  142 /
7 7 10/05/18 21:20 Zlatan Butterflymovic  478 /
8 8 10/05/18 21:20 Marie Brizard  100 /
9 1 10/05/18 21:30 Thiago Monteiro  200 /
10 2 10/05/18 21:30 Sheamus O'Shaunessy  392 /
11 3 10/05/18 21:30 Steve Job  504 /
12 4 10/05/18 21:30 RAMSES II  182 /
13 5 10/05/18 21:30 Jack Sparrow  345 /
14 6 10/05/18 21:30 Matheo Leopold  46 /
15 7 10/05/18 21:30 Yans Vesëly  2283 /
16 8 10/05/18 21:30 Keera Kaloga  125 /
17 1 10/05/18 21:40 Zeina Kaloga  98 /
18 2 10/05/18 21:40 Randy Keass  116 /
19 3 10/05/18 21:40 Harald Ansgar  2167 /
20 4 10/05/18 21:40 Ukko Makinen  85 /
21 5 10/05/18 21:40 Petra Makinen  99 /
22 6 10/05/18 21:40 Sue Motori  131 /
23 7 10/05/18 21:40 Jice BERNE  127 /
24 8 10/05/18 21:40 Eduardo DEVONISH  164 /
25 1 10/05/18 21:50 Aste Morgan  248 /
26 2 10/05/18 21:50 Le Kurt  173 /
27 3 10/05/18 21:50 Koni Choa  337 /
28 4 10/05/18 21:50 Kwesi Akpeteshie  146 /
29 5 10/05/18 21:50 Colas Chow  158 /
30 6 10/05/18 21:50 Petr Korbel  107 /
31 7 10/05/18 21:50 Jahdorh Lay Tong  437 /
32 8 10/05/18 21:50 Le Phils  192 /
33 1 10/05/18 22:00 Ephraïm Ben Sempre  374 /
34 2 10/05/18 22:00 Fuku Shima  86 /
35 3 10/05/18 22:00 Frytsch Christiann  242 /
36 4 10/05/18 22:00 Sayo Nara  349 /
37 5 10/05/18 22:00 Mou Fasa  133 /
38 6 10/05/18 22:00 Park Jin seung  314 /
39 7 10/05/18 22:00 Salatt Raymon  296 /
40 8 10/05/18 22:00 Thomas Wak  159 /
41 1 10/05/18 22:10 Marius Oprea  2348 /
42 2 10/05/18 22:10 Dmitrij Prokopcov   70 /
43 3 10/05/18 22:10 Stephan O' First  92 /
44 4 10/05/18 22:10 Sheila Broflovski  332 /
45 5 10/05/18 22:10 Martin Leopold  73 /
46 6 10/05/18 22:10 Jack Daniel's  787 /
47 7 10/05/18 22:10 Cleo Patra  387 /
48 8 10/05/18 22:10 Tristan Caudal  255 /
49 1 10/05/18 22:20 Somatotrophine  54 /
50 2 10/05/18 22:20 Diego Gomez  2271 /
51 3 10/05/18 22:20 Yoishi Nikka  80 /
52 4 10/05/18 22:20 Glen MORANGIE  80 /
53 5 10/05/18 22:20 Noradrenaline  87 /
54 6 10/05/18 22:20 Brice De Mauritanice  519 /
55 7 10/05/18 22:20 Steger Bastian  318 /
56 8 10/05/18 22:20 Gerald Broflovski  333 /
57 1 10/05/18 22:30 Titouan JOW  387 /
58 2 10/05/18 22:30 Ally Bie  167 /
59 3 10/05/18 22:30 Sel Zolt  116 /
60 4 10/05/18 22:30 Austino Powerez  2188 /
61 5 10/05/18 22:30 Walt Elias Disney  233 /
62 6 10/05/18 22:30 Tutto Papy  373 /
63 7 10/05/18 22:30 Kvitov Enric  2284 Suze Uki  376 11/6 8/11 11/7 9/11 9/11
64 8 10/05/18 22:30 Vinc'ossô PHIGO  543 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 11/05/18 10:40 Jay Lee Pienaar  144 Glen KINCHIE  61 8/11 10/12 9/11
2 2 11/05/18 10:40 Jorge Orozco  72 Bob MARLEY  2280 9/11 9/11 7/11
3 3 11/05/18 10:40 Rubeus Hagrid  536 Ilija Majstorovic  142 10/12 9/11 11/5 8/11
4 4 11/05/18 10:40 Zlatan Butterflymovic  478 Marie Brizard  100 3/11 1/11 1/11
5 5 11/05/18 10:40 Thiago Monteiro  200 Sheamus O'Shaunessy  392 3/11 8/11 9/11
6 6 11/05/18 10:40 Steve Job  504 RAMSES II  182 4/11 4/11 7/11
7 7 11/05/18 10:40 Jack Sparrow  345 Matheo Leopold  46 2/11 3/11 1/11
8 8 11/05/18 10:40 Yans Vesëly  2283 Keera Kaloga  125 11/8 7/11 12/10 2/11 9/11
9 1 11/05/18 10:50 Zeina Kaloga  98 Randy Keass  116 11/2 11/7 8/11 7/11 6/11
10 2 11/05/18 10:50 Harald Ansgar  2167 Ukko Makinen  85 6/11 11/9 5/11 4/11
11 3 11/05/18 10:50 Petra Makinen  99 Sue Motori  131 6/11 11/2 11/7 8/11 16/14
12 4 11/05/18 10:50 Jice BERNE  127 Eduardo DEVONISH  164 4/11 11/7 10/12 7/11
13 5 11/05/18 10:50 Aste Morgan  248 Le Kurt  173 7/11 4/11 8/11
14 6 11/05/18 10:50 Koni Choa  337 Kwesi Akpeteshie  146 11/9 10/12 11/3 7/11 11/9
15 7 11/05/18 10:50 Colas Chow  158 Petr Korbel  107 5/11 7/11 8/11
16 8 11/05/18 10:50 Jahdorh Lay Tong  437 Le Phils  192 12/10 11/2 9/11 11/7
17 1 11/05/18 11:00 Ephraïm Ben Sempre  374 Fuku Shima  86 11/6 10/12 11/8 11/4
18 2 11/05/18 11:00 Frytsch Christiann  242 Sayo Nara  349 11/9 12/10 16/14
19 3 11/05/18 11:00 Mou Fasa  133 Park Jin seung  314 11/1 11/5 11/7
20 4 11/05/18 11:00 Salatt Raymon  296 Thomas Wak  159 4/11 2/11 5/11
21 5 11/05/18 11:00 Marius Oprea  2348 Dmitrij Prokopcov   70 6/11 5/11 5/11
22 6 11/05/18 11:00 Stephan O' First  92 Sheila Broflovski  332 6/11 2/11 5/11
23 7 11/05/18 11:00 Martin Leopold  73 Jack Daniel's  787 7/11 13/15 11/13
24 8 11/05/18 11:00 Cleo Patra  387 Tristan Caudal  255 2/11 13/11 11/7 4/11 7/11
25 1 11/05/18 11:10 Somatotrophine  54 Diego Gomez  2271 11/3 11/9 11/3
26 2 11/05/18 11:10 Yoishi Nikka  80 Glen MORANGIE  80 7/11 4/11 0/11
27 3 11/05/18 11:10 Noradrenaline  87 Brice De Mauritanice  519 11/8 11/1 9/11 4/11 11/4
28 4 11/05/18 11:10 Steger Bastian  318 Gerald Broflovski  333 13/11 9/11 5/11 12/10 11/5
29 5 11/05/18 11:10 Titouan JOW  387 Ally Bie  167 11/5 9/11 11/6 12/10
30 6 11/05/18 11:10 Sel Zolt  116 Austino Powerez  2188 6/11 6/11 7/11
31 7 11/05/18 11:10 Walt Elias Disney  233 Tutto Papy  373 11/4 11/3 11/5
32 8 11/05/18 11:10 Suze Uki  376 Vinc'ossô PHIGO  543 7/11 11/7 3/11 11/7 7/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 13/05/18 14:10 Marie Brizard  100 Glen MORANGIE  80 7/11 9/11 6/11
1 Emperor The Last
2 Cujus De
3 Adré Naline
4 Né Mort
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
1 Junior Angel
2 Eikki Vatanen
3 Somatotrophine
4 Dopamine
5 Serotonine
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Akurdaramesh Jolan
2 Melamkurkurra Diego
4 Van CLEEF Glen
5 Byrne Liam
Complete ranking
2 TR Zouze
3 JOW Ian
4 JOW Oan
5 JOW Dan
Complete ranking
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