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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

14/03/25 06:28:08

Events - Week 11

International Tournament (Wuhan)

Single Senior > 150


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 25/08/16 21:50 Santiago Portocarrero  587 /
2 2 25/08/16 21:50 Gavine Maguire  529 Olivier BASTOGNE  1839 11/6 11/0 11/2
3 3 25/08/16 21:50 Harlon Tharn  263 Christ Bienatiki  334 12/10 13/11 2/11 10/12 8/11
4 4 25/08/16 21:50 Jay SNAKE  94 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 0/11 1/11 2/11
5 5 25/08/16 21:50 Livo Di Campos  138 /
6 6 25/08/16 21:50 George Bryan Brummel  269 Alexis JOW  183 7/11 16/14 9/11 6/11
7 7 25/08/16 21:50 He Zhiwen  602 Samuel Walker  314 11/4 11/5 13/15 11/6
8 8 25/08/16 21:50 Sean Sullivan  259 /
9 9 25/08/16 21:50 Dawood Ibrahim  112 /
10 10 25/08/16 21:50 Willi OPELGANG  142 Yotam Gadol  268 4/11 9/11 11/9 7/11
11 11 25/08/16 21:50 Segun Toriola   269 Ray Ciproque  1762 11/5 11/1 11/5
12 12 25/08/16 21:50 Michel BASTOGNE  1363 Gal Galili  114 4/11 5/11 5/11
13 1 25/08/16 22:00 Moutberg Peter  489 Ivan Zakharov  503 11/7 11/6 5/11 11/5
14 2 25/08/16 22:00 Phils Lamberts  336 Alexey Smirnov  82 2/11 1/11 1/11
15 3 25/08/16 22:00 Benjamin Federer  154 Toby JOW  210 11/7 12/10 13/11
16 4 25/08/16 22:00 Hanz Tring  720 /
17 5 25/08/16 22:00 Adi Goren  139 /
18 6 25/08/16 22:00 Au Berg  127 Zulu Ndour  506 2/11 4/11 7/11
19 7 25/08/16 22:00 Nurlan KHVOSTUNOV  824 hiyo Faong  846 9/11 9/11 11/2 11/6 11/1
20 8 25/08/16 22:00 Sascha OPELGANG  311 Dizzy FLORES  147 6/11 4/11 4/11
21 9 25/08/16 22:00 Yohav Gadol  237 Kota Pieghu  598 11/3 11/9 11/7
22 10 25/08/16 22:00 Bull Hurley  285 Yoshita Daing  847 1/11 2/11 1/11
23 11 25/08/16 22:00 Stephano El Quitero  106 Steijn SNEIJDER  194 11/9 11/5 9/11 11/6
24 12 25/08/16 22:00 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 /
25 1 25/08/16 22:10 Jeremy Wong  276 /
26 2 25/08/16 22:10 Serhiy Yurchenko  1308 Para Escobar  85 7/11 10/12 2/11
27 3 25/08/16 22:10 Narong Khat  294 Kol TAYRE  1790 11/2 11/2 11/1
28 4 25/08/16 22:10 Philip Johansson  721 /
29 5 25/08/16 22:10 Johnny RICO  292 Thom Spin  132 6/11 11/3 11/6 11/3
30 6 25/08/16 22:10 Benjamin Djokovic  104 Jeanne O'Lapin  1303 3/11 1/11 5/11
31 7 25/08/16 22:10 Kola Ngbandi  1255 Kyle Keass  275 11/13 10/12 11/4 12/10 11/3
32 8 25/08/16 22:10 Horacio SIN-SILLÓN  269 /
33 9 25/08/16 22:10 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 /
34 10 25/08/16 22:10 Kaiser Beck  198 Bernardo Provenzano De N  284 5/11 7/11 4/11
35 11 25/08/16 22:10 Sadek DAVODKATSOA  79 Ben Sahar  1438 11/3 11/6 14/12
36 12 25/08/16 22:10 Christopher Dias  550 Cenza SENSAR  88 3/11 9/11 4/11
37 1 25/08/16 22:20 Klas Haotson  817 /
38 2 25/08/16 22:20 Pawel Swiel  93 Tyrone Meehan  260 4/11 1/11 4/11
39 3 25/08/16 22:20 Antson N'ROCKETTA  1304 TONY YOUNG  252 11/5 11/2 11/6
40 4 25/08/16 22:20 Nasser Leopold  105 /
41 5 25/08/16 22:20 Novak Jankovics  489 /
42 6 25/08/16 22:20 Vladimir Klitschko  397 Anton Kondratyuk  295 1/11 9/11 1/11
43 7 25/08/16 22:20 Modipo Keass  267 injouable jesus  1405 13/11 11/4 11/5
44 8 25/08/16 22:20 David BASTOGNE  1362 Michaël Maze.  217 5/11 11/13 9/11
45 9 25/08/16 22:20 Rose Keass  265 Konrad Xeres  264 11/4 11/7 11/2
46 10 25/08/16 22:20 Yody Ortiz  1245 Jerome Fabry  145 2/11 10/12 0/11
47 11 25/08/16 22:20 Ivan Hurtado  270 Para Castiglia  94 11/6 10/12 8/11 8/11
48 12 25/08/16 22:20 Tutto Papy  373 /
49 1 25/08/16 22:30 Frost Moun  681 /
50 2 25/08/16 22:30 Ladislas Douniama  1264 Sean McDoye Jr  266 4/11 8/11 6/11
51 3 25/08/16 22:30 Erwann JOW  338 Bolat KATKOV  825 11/7 11/3 11/7
52 4 25/08/16 22:30 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 Sok Jin  505 1/11 4/11 2/11
53 5 25/08/16 22:30 Ferenc Puskas  814 Martín Torrijos  153 7/11 10/12 11/6 11/5 0/0
54 6 25/08/16 22:30 Femi Kuti  168 Rodrigo Arroyo  145 8/11 11/9 9/11 11/7 6/11
55 7 25/08/16 22:30 Koji matsushita  597 Saî Mudrà  611 11/7 11/6 11/5
56 8 25/08/16 22:30 Arié Gadol  300 /
57 9 25/08/16 22:30 Arturo Morales  628 /
58 10 25/08/16 22:30 Sokha Kem  537 Layana Al-Tripou  1256 4/11 6/11 9/11
59 11 25/08/16 22:30 ben tripainen  686 Goh Chok Tong  350 11/6 11/3 6/11 11/7
60 12 25/08/16 22:30 Océane JOW  171 /
61 1 25/08/16 22:40 Maël JOW  386 Bryan Ruiz  278 11/0 11/2 11/1
62 2 25/08/16 22:40 Kenny Keass  274 Eva YOUNG  258 4/11 7/11 4/11
63 3 25/08/16 22:40 Franck JOW  376 Stan KEASS  242 11/1 11/0 11/1
64 4 25/08/16 22:40 Kâ Tàna  625 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 26/08/16 17:30 Santiago Portocarrero  587 Gavine Maguire  529 11/3 11/5 11/3
2 2 26/08/16 17:30 Christ Bienatiki  334 Yegor Beregovoyski  278 9/11 5/11 9/11
3 3 26/08/16 17:30 Livo Di Campos  138 Alexis JOW  183 11/8 8/11 11/7 11/4
4 4 26/08/16 17:30 He Zhiwen  602 Sean Sullivan  259 2/11 2/11 5/11
5 5 26/08/16 17:30 Dawood Ibrahim  112 Yotam Gadol  268 11/3 11/8 11/4
6 6 26/08/16 17:30 Segun Toriola   269 Gal Galili  114 9/11 6/11 8/11
7 7 26/08/16 17:30 Moutberg Peter  489 Alexey Smirnov  82 7/11 11/9 10/12 11/3 11/7
8 8 26/08/16 17:30 Benjamin Federer  154 Hanz Tring  720 7/11 11/9 4/11 6/11
9 9 26/08/16 17:30 Adi Goren  139 Zulu Ndour  506 11/7 11/6 5/11 11/4
10 10 26/08/16 17:30 Nurlan KHVOSTUNOV  824 Dizzy FLORES  147 9/11 4/11 6/11
11 11 26/08/16 17:30 Yohav Gadol  237 Yoshita Daing  847 8/11 10/12 11/8 9/11
12 12 26/08/16 17:30 Stephano El Quitero  106 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 4/11 6/11 3/11
13 1 26/08/16 17:40 Jeremy Wong  276 Para Escobar  85 11/3 11/4 4/11 6/11 11/1
14 2 26/08/16 17:40 Narong Khat  294 Philip Johansson  721 11/6 11/9 11/7
15 3 26/08/16 17:40 Johnny RICO  292 Jeanne O'Lapin  1303 11/8 8/11 11/13 8/11
16 4 26/08/16 17:40 Kola Ngbandi  1255 Horacio SIN-SILLÓN  269 8/11 6/11 11/9 8/11
17 5 26/08/16 17:40 Tsung Sempre Vince  374 Bernardo Provenzano De N  284 10/12 6/11 0/0
18 6 26/08/16 17:40 Sadek DAVODKATSOA  79 Cenza SENSAR  88 11/5 8/11 11/9 12/10
19 7 26/08/16 17:40 Klas Haotson  817 Tyrone Meehan  260 11/5 11/6 2/11 7/11 6/11
20 8 26/08/16 17:40 Antson N'ROCKETTA  1304 Nasser Leopold  105 11/7 11/13 11/13 9/11
21 9 26/08/16 17:40 Novak Jankovics  489 Anton Kondratyuk  295 11/4 11/3 11/0
22 10 26/08/16 17:40 Modipo Keass  267 Michaël Maze.  217 11/5 11/3 11/4
23 11 26/08/16 17:40 Rose Keass  265 Jerome Fabry  145 11/6 11/4 11/4
24 12 26/08/16 17:40 Para Castiglia  94 Tutto Papy  373 6/11 7/11 1/11
25 1 26/08/16 17:50 Frost Moun  681 Sean McDoye Jr  266 5/11 6/11 7/11
26 2 26/08/16 17:50 Erwann JOW  338 Sok Jin  505 13/11 11/4 7/11 11/0
27 3 26/08/16 17:50 Martín Torrijos  153 Rodrigo Arroyo  145 4/11 5/11 10/12
28 4 26/08/16 17:50 Koji matsushita  597 Arié Gadol  300 11/9 11/6 12/10
29 5 26/08/16 17:50 Arturo Morales  628 Layana Al-Tripou  1256 11/7 11/6 7/11 11/7
30 6 26/08/16 17:50 ben tripainen  686 Océane JOW  171 11/9 11/3 11/7
31 7 26/08/16 17:50 Maël JOW  386 Eva YOUNG  258 9/11 11/5 13/11 11/13 15/17
32 8 26/08/16 17:50 Franck JOW  376 Kâ Tàna  625 5/11 6/11 6/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 28/08/16 14:10 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 Kâ Tàna  625 11/13 9/11 12/10 11/8 5/11
1 Akubueze Para
2 Kaloga Para
3 Kovacevic Vukan
4 Savicevic Dario
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
3 Eikki Vatanen
5 Leopoldus Glen
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 Galactique Le
2 Lactique Le gars
3 Scott Travis
4 Speed Ishow
5 Fantastique Le
Complete ranking
1 Volt Usain
2 Chon ah Koni
3 Sanchez Alexis
4 Narit Ami
Complete ranking
Boite de tuto
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