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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

15/01/25 05:15:37

Events - Week 3

International Tournament (Bremen)

Single Under 21 > 100


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 28/01/16 17:50 Abha Adhitya  0 /
2 2 28/01/16 17:50 Karak TAYRE  0 Kriystian Fraytsch  102 11/9 3/11 6/11 11/9 11/6
3 3 28/01/16 17:50 Alexandre Jenny  0 /
4 4 28/01/16 17:50 Tak Amaider  0 /
5 5 28/01/16 17:50 Ilay Gadol  0 /
6 6 28/01/16 17:50 Micha BERECKI  0 /
7 7 28/01/16 17:50 Timo Boll  0 /
8 8 28/01/16 17:50 Bruno Mainguy  0 /
9 9 28/01/16 17:50 Yossi Benayoun  0 /
10 10 28/01/16 17:50 ludovic creach  0 /
11 11 28/01/16 17:50 Henri Cam  0 /
12 12 28/01/16 17:50 Mattias Karlsson  0 /
13 1 28/01/16 18:00 Bull Hurley  0 /
14 2 28/01/16 18:00 Jon CHOW  0 /
15 3 28/01/16 18:00 Dimitrij Ovtcharov  0 /
16 4 28/01/16 18:00 Shyna Lambic  0 /
17 5 28/01/16 18:00 Javier Montero  0 /
18 6 28/01/16 18:00 Amar Di  0 /
19 7 28/01/16 18:00 Cofe Liberty  0 /
20 8 28/01/16 18:00 manu l inverse  121 /
21 9 28/01/16 18:00 Tommy Villalobos  0 /
22 10 28/01/16 18:00 thomas helong  0 /
23 11 28/01/16 18:00 Philippe Saive  0 /
24 12 28/01/16 18:00 Dagon Ga  0 /
25 1 28/01/16 18:10 Quentin Golden  0 /
26 2 28/01/16 18:10 Jacek Barbachowski  0 /
27 3 28/01/16 18:10 the wall  78 /
28 4 28/01/16 18:10 Femi Kuti  0 /
29 5 28/01/16 18:10 Ethan Levy  0 /
30 6 28/01/16 18:10 Hristo STOIJKOV  185 /
31 7 28/01/16 18:10 Jan Ove Waldner  0 /
32 8 28/01/16 18:10 Dhiren Chiponh  16 /
33 9 28/01/16 18:10 Gordon Bajnai  0 /
34 10 28/01/16 18:10 Benjamin Monfils  0 /
35 11 28/01/16 18:10 David Sandoz  0 /
36 12 28/01/16 18:10 Sharath kamal Achanta  0 /
37 1 28/01/16 18:20 Bryan Ruiz  0 /
38 2 28/01/16 18:20 Aur Delnatte  0 /
39 3 28/01/16 18:20 Greg Wiart  0 /
40 4 28/01/16 18:20 Tomas Dvorak  148 /
41 5 28/01/16 18:20 Zdislav Lebek  98 /
42 6 28/01/16 18:20 Koni Choa  0 /
43 7 28/01/16 18:20 Saive Jean-Michel  0 /
44 8 28/01/16 18:20 Joao PERSSON  0 /
45 9 28/01/16 18:20 Irving Saladino  0 /
46 10 28/01/16 18:20 Zambayo Yokobo  0 /
47 11 28/01/16 18:20 lavios jerome  0 /
48 12 28/01/16 18:20 Benjamin Djokovic  0 /
49 1 28/01/16 18:30 Patrick VIVERET  115 /
50 2 28/01/16 18:30 Wilfried Golden  0 /
51 3 28/01/16 18:30 Cassius Ndongo  0 /
52 4 28/01/16 18:30 Jean Gadrey  0 /
53 5 28/01/16 18:30 Angel Hernandez  0 /
54 6 28/01/16 18:30 laurent lasdupicot  0 /
55 7 28/01/16 18:30 Vincent Devisse  0 /
56 8 28/01/16 18:30 sanchaine victor   0 /
57 9 28/01/16 18:30 Ali Gateau  0 /
58 10 28/01/16 18:30 Mana Fan  0 /
59 11 28/01/16 18:30 guillaume davoust  0 /
60 12 28/01/16 18:30 Olivier BASTOGNE  0 /
61 1 28/01/16 18:40 Ray Ciproque  0 /
62 2 28/01/16 18:40 altaw arcenciel  0 /
63 3 28/01/16 18:40 Sayo Nara  0 Colette BASTOGNE  0 4/11 3/11 3/11
64 4 28/01/16 18:40 Lara JOW  0 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 29/01/16 10:40 Abha Adhitya  0 Karak TAYRE  0 16/14 11/7 11/7
2 2 29/01/16 10:40 Alexandre Jenny  0 Tak Amaider  0 7/11 3/11 4/11
3 3 29/01/16 10:40 Ilay Gadol  0 Micha BERECKI  0 11/3 11/7 11/5
4 4 29/01/16 10:40 Timo Boll  0 Bruno Mainguy  0 2/11 5/11 4/11
5 5 29/01/16 10:40 Yossi Benayoun  0 ludovic creach  0 11/0 11/3 11/0
6 6 29/01/16 10:40 Henri Cam  0 Mattias Karlsson  0 1/11 1/11 1/11
7 7 29/01/16 10:40 Bull Hurley  0 Jon CHOW  0 11/4 12/10 11/9
8 8 29/01/16 10:40 Dimitrij Ovtcharov  0 Shyna Lambic  0 0/11 0/11 0/11
9 9 29/01/16 10:40 Javier Montero  0 Amar Di  0 11/2 10/12 11/3 11/5
10 10 29/01/16 10:40 Cofe Liberty  0 manu l inverse  121 11/3 11/5 11/6
11 11 29/01/16 10:40 Tommy Villalobos  0 thomas helong  0 11/0 11/1 11/2
12 12 29/01/16 10:40 Philippe Saive  0 Dagon Ga  0 5/11 5/11 5/11
13 1 29/01/16 10:50 Quentin Golden  0 Jacek Barbachowski  0 11/2 11/1 11/0
14 2 29/01/16 10:50 the wall  78 Femi Kuti  0 0/11 0/11 1/11
15 3 29/01/16 10:50 Ethan Levy  0 Hristo STOIJKOV  185 11/2 11/0 11/1
16 4 29/01/16 10:50 Jan Ove Waldner  0 Dhiren Chiponh  16 0/11 3/11 1/11
17 5 29/01/16 10:50 Gordon Bajnai  0 Benjamin Monfils  0 11/1 11/2 11/7
18 6 29/01/16 10:50 David Sandoz  0 Sharath kamal Achanta  0 3/11 3/11 7/11
19 7 29/01/16 10:50 Bryan Ruiz  0 Aur Delnatte  0 11/0 11/1 11/2
20 8 29/01/16 10:50 Greg Wiart  0 Tomas Dvorak  148 0/11 0/11 1/11
21 9 29/01/16 10:50 Zdislav Lebek  98 Koni Choa  0 11/2 11/0 11/2
22 10 29/01/16 10:50 Saive Jean-Michel  0 Joao PERSSON  0 2/11 1/11 2/11
23 11 29/01/16 10:50 Irving Saladino  0 Zambayo Yokobo  0 11/3 11/3 11/5
24 12 29/01/16 10:50 lavios jerome  0 Benjamin Djokovic  0 2/11 0/11 0/11
25 1 29/01/16 11:00 Patrick VIVERET  115 Wilfried Golden  0 11/6 11/4 11/3
26 2 29/01/16 11:00 Cassius Ndongo  0 Jean Gadrey  0 13/11 6/11 11/6 11/6
27 3 29/01/16 11:00 Angel Hernandez  0 laurent lasdupicot  0 7/11 11/7 7/11 11/6 11/4
28 4 29/01/16 11:00 Vincent Devisse  0 sanchaine victor   0 8/11 4/11 5/11
29 5 29/01/16 11:00 Ali Gateau  0 Mana Fan  0 11/0 11/0 11/0
30 6 29/01/16 11:00 guillaume davoust  0 Olivier BASTOGNE  0 2/11 1/11 5/11
31 7 29/01/16 11:00 Ray Ciproque  0 altaw arcenciel  0 11/8 11/7 11/5
32 8 29/01/16 11:00 Colette BASTOGNE  0 Lara JOW  0 1/11 5/11 5/11


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 31/01/16 14:30 Dhiren Chiponh  16 Bryan Ruiz  0 13/11 11/5 11/4
1 Kaloga Para
2 Akubueze Para
3 Lebrun Alexis
4 Emperor The Last
5 Tjampitjinpa Ozie
Complete ranking
Old player
2 Eikki Vatanen
4 Dopamine
5 Somatotrophine
Complete ranking
Under 21
2 JOW Ian
3 TR Zouze
4 TR Florent
5 TR Mathys
Complete ranking
1 Scott Travis
2 Speed Ishow
3 JOW Ban
4 Colombo Jesus Enrique
5 Cee Central
Complete ranking
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