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### Player Points

## Player 1 Player 2 Points
## Nation Points


Under 21


Old player

26/12/24 21:20:40

Events - Week 10

Open Tournament (Las Vegas)

Single Senior > 120


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 16/11/17 22:00 Ivan Zakharov  503 /
2 2 16/11/17 22:00 Jersi Castellanòs  659 Martín Torrijos  153 7/11 5/11 8/11
3 3 16/11/17 22:00 Goh Chok Tong  350 Benjamin Fognini  306 11/6 11/9 11/5
4 4 16/11/17 22:00 Maël JOW  386 Klejm Zahradnik  650 10/12 7/11 10/12
5 5 16/11/17 22:00 Zangdong Hao  736 /
6 6 16/11/17 22:00 Toby JOW  225 Jacqueline BASTOGNE  633 11/5 11/9 6/11 11/6
7 7 16/11/17 22:00 Santiago Portocarrero  587 Sascha OPELGANG  311 11/3 13/11 11/8
8 8 16/11/17 22:00 Radomír Sedlácek  261 /
9 1 16/11/17 22:10 Para Sokolnicki  86 /
10 2 16/11/17 22:10 Nina Schlager  107 Zing WANG CHENG  92 4/11 14/12 6/11 11/7 11/9
11 3 16/11/17 22:10 Princesse VESPA  140 Ali Gateau  314 11/8 11/6 12/10
12 4 16/11/17 22:10 Ting WONG CHUN  148 Beryl BASTOGNE  654 1/11 2/11 1/11
13 5 16/11/17 22:10 Michel BASTOGNE  1363 Amar Di  1761 11/6 11/2 11/0
14 6 16/11/17 22:10 Bryan Ruiz  289 Konrad Xeres  274 4/11 6/11 5/11
15 7 16/11/17 22:10 Gaspa CHOW  122 Erwann JOW  338 12/10 11/7 11/6
16 8 16/11/17 22:10 Serhiy Yurchenko  1308 /
17 1 16/11/17 22:20 Viva BERTAGA  156 /
18 2 16/11/17 22:20 John Chandelle  161 Token KEASS  172 11/5 9/11 5/11 8/11
19 3 16/11/17 22:20 Yossi Benayoun  291 Dot MATRIX  157 11/7 11/3 11/3
20 4 16/11/17 22:20 Colette BASTOGNE  1838 Layana Al-Tripou  1256 7/11 3/11 5/11
21 5 16/11/17 22:20 Gerald BASTOGNE  655 /
22 6 16/11/17 22:20 Jon CHOW  218 Melanie N'Boll  153 11/7 11/4 11/8
23 7 16/11/17 22:20 Sean McDoye Jr  276 Kota Pieghu  598 11/7 4/11 8/11 7/11
24 8 16/11/17 22:20 luc Schnabble  139 /
25 1 16/11/17 22:30 Paolo SHAGGERO  168 /
26 2 16/11/17 22:30 Ben Sahar  1438 Glen ABERLOUR  130 5/11 6/11 9/11
27 3 16/11/17 22:30 Čeněk Szëkeres  632 Mihajlo Višnjić  645 7/11 7/11 7/11
28 4 16/11/17 22:30 Matti Makinen  77 /
29 5 16/11/17 22:30 Katia Ourte  511 Harlon Tharn  273 11/6 11/6 11/5
30 6 16/11/17 22:30 Paolo Vidali  412 David BASTOGNE  1362 4/11 5/11 3/11
31 7 16/11/17 22:30 Meeri Hämälaïnen  137 Benjamin Monfils  177 11/8 11/5 11/7
32 8 16/11/17 22:30 Eki eki eki eki Pa Tang  264 /
33 1 16/11/17 22:40 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 /
34 2 16/11/17 22:40 Angel Hernandez  344 Lucas Vidal  331 12/10 5/11 3/11 12/10 6/11
35 3 16/11/17 22:40 Willi OPELGANG  132 Fran Margiotta  133 9/11 11/6 3/11 8/11
36 4 16/11/17 22:40 Stanley Kubrickthewall  251 Jay SNAKE  94 12/10 0/11 4/11 3/11
37 5 16/11/17 22:40 Abha Adhitya  1439 /
38 6 16/11/17 22:40 Rosa ARBUCKLE  112 Philippe Sers  79 8/11 17/15 11/4 11/9
39 7 16/11/17 22:40 Junior Diaz  70 Cofe Liberty  1840 11/8 11/8 11/7
40 8 16/11/17 22:40 Glen DRONACH  201 /
41 1 16/11/17 22:50 Bill BONI  148 /
42 2 16/11/17 22:50 Ivan Hurtado  281 Vladimir Klitschko  397 11/6 12/10 11/9
43 3 16/11/17 22:50 Nikhil Kumar  332 Fejer-Konnerth Zoltan  335 11/5 11/2 11/3
44 4 16/11/17 22:50 Fanfan Ronaldo  119 /
45 5 16/11/17 22:50 Jamal Okoye  1811 Frost Moun  681 11/5 7/11 7/11 11/5 11/8
46 6 16/11/17 22:50 Esteban Casper Granados  60 Tanja Makinen   106 15/13 5/11 8/11 7/11
47 7 16/11/17 22:50 Willi Waller  92 Moti Gadol  298 11/9 11/4 11/6
48 8 16/11/17 22:50 Vincent Devisse  630 /
49 1 16/11/17 23:00 Alejandro GUINNESSI  158 /
50 2 16/11/17 23:00 Kâ Tàna  625 Rosskopf Jorg  348 6/11 3/11 6/11
51 3 16/11/17 23:00 Raymond BASTOGNE  622 Baüm Patrick  311 7/11 7/11 5/11
52 4 16/11/17 23:00 Maxine JOW  456 Ioanna Elli Kiosi  154 9/11 8/11 5/11
53 5 16/11/17 23:00 Ferenc Puskas  814 Franck JOW  376 11/7 11/6 11/3
54 6 16/11/17 23:00 Angus McChouffe Jr  299 Butters Keass  227 7/11 7/11 7/11
55 7 16/11/17 23:00 Néo INCUBUS  130 Mateo Portocarrero  588 8/11 11/6 9/11 11/7 11/5
56 8 16/11/17 23:00 Pawel Swiel  93 /
57 1 16/11/17 23:10 Georges Brassens  200 /
58 2 16/11/17 23:10 Mamadou Siam  616 Little Malcolm  131 7/11 14/16 13/11 5/11
59 3 16/11/17 23:10 Jai Chow  1837 Yoshita Daing  847 11/7 10/12 11/3 8/11 7/11
60 4 16/11/17 23:10 George Bryan Brummel  269 /
61 5 16/11/17 23:10 Iatah InScheisse  642 Samuel Walker  314 7/11 11/7 11/8 9/11 11/9
62 6 16/11/17 23:10 Ho Kwan Kit  148 Yody Ortiz  1245 1/11 13/11 11/7 11/6
63 7 16/11/17 23:10 Ray Ciproque  1762 Osten Yarda  66 7/11 15/13 11/7 7/11 6/11
64 8 16/11/17 23:10 Jeanne O'Lapin  1303 /


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 17/11/17 11:20 Ivan Zakharov  503 Martín Torrijos  153 11/3 10/12 11/6 11/2
2 2 17/11/17 11:20 Goh Chok Tong  350 Klejm Zahradnik  650 12/10 8/11 11/6 11/9
3 3 17/11/17 11:20 Zangdong Hao  736 Toby JOW  225 11/7 11/4 11/9
4 4 17/11/17 11:20 Santiago Portocarrero  587 Radomír Sedlácek  261 6/11 3/11 13/11 9/11
5 5 17/11/17 11:20 Para Sokolnicki  86 Nina Schlager  107 10/12 11/7 11/8 11/5
6 6 17/11/17 11:20 Princesse VESPA  140 Beryl BASTOGNE  654 9/11 8/11 4/11
7 7 17/11/17 11:20 Michel BASTOGNE  1363 Konrad Xeres  274 11/8 11/3 12/10
8 8 17/11/17 11:20 Gaspa CHOW  122 Serhiy Yurchenko  1308 7/11 11/8 10/12 8/11
9 1 17/11/17 11:30 Viva BERTAGA  156 Token KEASS  172 9/11 9/11 11/5 10/12
10 2 17/11/17 11:30 Yossi Benayoun  291 Layana Al-Tripou  1256 6/11 12/10 9/11 6/11
11 3 17/11/17 11:30 Gerald BASTOGNE  655 Jon CHOW  218 11/4 11/4 11/5
12 4 17/11/17 11:30 Kota Pieghu  598 luc Schnabble  139 4/11 4/11 8/11
13 5 17/11/17 11:30 Paolo SHAGGERO  168 Glen ABERLOUR  130 1/11 6/11 6/11
14 6 17/11/17 11:30 Mihajlo Višnjić  645 Matti Makinen  77 6/11 3/11 7/11
15 7 17/11/17 11:30 Katia Ourte  511 David BASTOGNE  1362 11/7 9/11 11/6 9/11 14/16
16 8 17/11/17 11:30 Meeri Hämälaïnen  137 Eki eki eki eki Pa Tang  264 7/11 9/11 11/7 11/8 15/17
17 1 17/11/17 11:40 Jean De Dieu Kagame  1244 Lucas Vidal  331 11/7 11/8 11/4
18 2 17/11/17 11:40 Fran Margiotta  133 Jay SNAKE  94 8/11 3/11 8/11
19 3 17/11/17 11:40 Abha Adhitya  1439 Rosa ARBUCKLE  112 4/11 11/9 8/11 7/11
20 4 17/11/17 11:40 Junior Diaz  70 Glen DRONACH  201 11/3 11/13 5/11 11/3 11/6
21 5 17/11/17 11:40 Bill BONI  148 Ivan Hurtado  281 11/3 11/8 14/12
22 6 17/11/17 11:40 Nikhil Kumar  332 Fanfan Ronaldo  119 7/11 11/6 11/9 11/8
23 7 17/11/17 11:40 Jamal Okoye  1811 Tanja Makinen   106 14/12 8/11 7/11 11/4 11/8
24 8 17/11/17 11:40 Willi Waller  92 Vincent Devisse  630 8/11 7/11 7/11
25 1 17/11/17 11:50 Alejandro GUINNESSI  158 Rosskopf Jorg  348 10/12 8/11 8/11
26 2 17/11/17 11:50 Baüm Patrick  311 Ioanna Elli Kiosi  154 9/11 11/4 11/4 12/10
27 3 17/11/17 11:50 Ferenc Puskas  814 Butters Keass  227 11/5 11/4 11/9
28 4 17/11/17 11:50 Néo INCUBUS  130 Pawel Swiel  93 4/11 7/11 4/11
29 5 17/11/17 11:50 Georges Brassens  200 Little Malcolm  131 11/8 11/9 11/9
30 6 17/11/17 11:50 Yoshita Daing  847 George Bryan Brummel  269 7/11 5/11 11/9 9/11
31 7 17/11/17 11:50 Iatah InScheisse  642 Ho Kwan Kit  148 11/8 11/5 11/6
32 8 17/11/17 11:50 Osten Yarda  66 Jeanne O'Lapin  1303 5/11 4/11 11/13


## Tb. Date Player 1 Player 2 Score
1 1 19/11/17 14:20 Matti Makinen  77 Vincent Devisse  630 11/9 11/7 11/9
1 Kaloga Para
2 Lebrun Alexis
3 Emperor The Last
4 Akubueze Para
5 Cujus De
Complete ranking
Old player
2 Eikki Vatanen
4 Dopamine
5 Somatotrophine
Complete ranking
Under 21
1 JOW Ian
2 TR Florent
3 TR Zouze
5 Galactique Le
Complete ranking
1 Speed Ishow
2 Scott Travis
3 Colombo Jesus Enrique
4 JOW Ban
5 Cee Central
Complete ranking
Boite de tuto
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